They Are Here!

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…As I was speaking, I became distracted by a rather loud sound coming from behind the people sitting on the opposite side of the circle. I couldn’t fully describe it but the best I can come up with is it sounded like someone shuffling around behind those people quite noisily…

What seemed like it was turning out to be a pretty light-action evening ended up being quite active and super amazing.  We had a couple people having interesting physical sensation events.  One involving a tingling sensation on her head around her pineal gland.  She reports it went on for a quite a while. Another person had sensations of things going on in her body.  She thought there could be some healing going on as at least one of the sensations was around a part of her body that she has had health challenges with.  There were also instances of lights in the sky popping in and out. Once the event was over I learned of more events. It’s surprising how many people don’t speak up when something happens, including myself in this case.



It wasn’t until Monday after the event that I started to look at a set of audible events I experienced more closely. During the event, just soon after our evening CE5 began I was sharing about a brief but amazing communication that happened to me earlier in the week.  As I was speaking, I became distracted by a rather loud sound coming from behind the people sitting on the opposite side of the circle. I couldn’t fully describe it but the best I can come up with is it sounded like someone shuffling around behind those people quite noisily.  This happened 2 or 3 times within 1 minute or 2.  The first time it happened I paused speaking for a while and listened, hoping it would end soon and wondering why someone was being so loud over there.  Of course, it was very dark and there was nothing I could see beyond the circle.  The second time it happened I felt even more flummoxed and wondered why no one was turning around and trying to “shoosh” the loud walker.


It may have happened one more time and I never said a thing about it as I was also trying to run the meeting at hand.  That’s strange of course since I make it part of my job to ask people to share what they are experiencing as we go through the night. It happens more than you might think.  We blow things off and don’t speak up. Afterwords, one lady told me about 2 lights in the sky she saw.  She didn’t say a word during the event.


On Monday, after the Saturday event, I was surfing the web some and somehow ended up at a website for another CE5 group based in Virginia.  There was some great info that they were sharing. The lady that put it together seemed to have quite a bit of CE5 experience. On an FAQs page of hers she responded to a question about Big Foot and jogged my memory with the following words: “We have observed what looked like Sasquatch tracks, and have experienced howling vocalizations, knocking sounds, and movement in the brush at two of the locations that we visit.”


Hearing that, my mind jumped back to the strange shuffling sound I heard interrupting my talk on Saturday.  I immediately went to the discussion area on our meetup webpage connecting to everyone who went to Saturday’s event. I asked if anyone else heard what I heard (the noisy shuffling). Interestingly some others heard it also. Those who were closest to where I heard it coming from didn’t hear a thing! Weird. One person shared the following: “I also heard the rustling like someone walking through tall grass.  I heard it several times”. Interestingly, there is no tall grass where we were. Also, I refrained from using the words “tall grass”.  I just used the word “shuffling”. But the “tall grass” description is very close to what I actually heard. 


 In the web discussion I also asked for whoever it was that was moving around back there to please speak up.  I was trying to find a reasonable explanation for this.  But no one has “fessed up” yet.


To make it even weirder I remembered that I had an audio recording of the event.  So I listened and found the exact spot where it happened. I noted the spots where I paused to listen to the sound of the shuffling/walking.  Strangely, there was no evidence of the shuffling/walking sound in the recording but the spots where it should have been now had a knocking or tapping sound.  It wasn’t very loud on the recording, but it was there, and it only started after I said certain words as if responding to the words I was saying.


To add another layer to this let’s consider what I was saying at the time.  I was sharing an amazing event that happened to me earlier in the week in the early hours of the morning.  Just before waking time my sleep was interrupted by a voice.  It wasn’t part of a dream. It wasn’t a thought. It was audible. And I jerked a little bit physically the same as you would if someone could sneak up on you from behind and say something in your ear.  I was startled. Not frightened, but literally pleasantly surprised.


I was sharing about this event and when I spoke the two simple words, “Hello Mark,” to the people in the circle, that were spoken to me days before, immediately after, that’s when this shuffling/walking sound was heard off the other side of the circle. On the recording it sounds like I just paused for a while, maybe to listen to the light tapping sound.  But in reality I was listening intently to the rather raucous shuffling sound from the other side.


Each person has to decide what this all means to them. For me, when someone says, “Hello Mark” the meaning to me is basically “I am here”. When I share this with the rest of the group and it’s followed up with another audible sound for me that says “We are here”.


After I brought this up on the discussion webpage this prompted another previously unreported sharing from one of the attendees.  She shared:


“What I DID hear at the final meditation of the evening, however, (with what I’d refer to as the throat singing recording/music being played), was someone (or a few people) whispering quite loudly behind those of us opposite Mark in the circle. At the time I was trying to determine (in my mind without opening my eyes or changing physical position) whether this was something out of the usual (from some ETs), whether some people were getting ready to leave, or even whether it was somehow something generated from the sound recording itself. It went on for several minutes. It was quite unusual”.


I’m not sure what that was but through all this investigation I didn’t stop to think about what was actually behind the people on the other side from where I heard the sounds.  I was just thinking grass or the trees a little ways back.  It was very dark and I wasn’t considering it. So I went back to the meeting site during the day and pictured the location of the sounds. It turns out there is a wooden playground set right there, with swings, a slide and an upper platform that you can climb up to and hang out.


Did we have visitors hanging out with us? It sure looks like it to me – well, in this case, sounds like it to me .  If I were ET or a transdimensional being and wanted to choose a spot to hang out, I think the playset would be the perfect place.  Thanks, and love to everyone who attended our CE5 event – terrestrial and extraterrestrial!



They Are Here: Part 2


I thought I was through with my report.  I really thought I had exhausted the useful information I could share from our event.  Then on the day I finished my report and sent it out to Justice and Pat for their thoughts I got an email from Justice informing me of a live CE5 seminar happening that very day in New Zealand and that I could listen in on it, live, online.


I also thought I was through talking about the tapping sound I heard in the background.  I left that as the unexplained part.  Was that the knocking sound described by the lady from Virginia that I mentioned earlier? I wouldn’t describe it as knocking.  It was more like a tapping at best and so I decided to just let it rest as the unexplained portion of our event.


As I was hanging out waiting for the New Zealand seminar to begin, I looked around their wonderfully organized website and came across an interesting section that contained a video sharing by one of their main people there, Jeremy Cloake. As he was introduced and began to speak, I realized that he and I had a lot in common, although he is WAY, WAY more experienced than I in his development with CE5.  But he is a musician, as am I. He is familiar with studio recording and working with sound, as am I.  And he also has the uncommon ability to duplicate sounds that he hears with his mouth, as do I.  And so, I had to listen to what he had to say on this video right away.


He was sharing about Close Proximity Contact with ETs.  It was very interesting and enlightening.  But then at a certain point he started talking about the ETs that make clicking sounds and then he duplicated the sound with his voice.  My mouth dropped because it sounded exactly like the tapping sounds on my recording! Even the cadence of the tapping was very much the same.  He went on to describe more amazing events and I came to realize that quite possibly we had had the  same or similar species in attendance with us at our CE5 event!


I invite you to watch this video.  You can check it out here below.  You will be fascinated to learn more about the sort of beings that might have been joining with us at our CE5. The video is actually quite long and I highly recommend every minute of it. But the section of the video where Jeremy talks about the clicking specifically is from about 21:00 minutes to 37:00 (although starting from the beginning is great). Jeremy’s vocalization of the clicking is from 23:08 – 23:54.  Then again from 25:00 – 25:12.

I also invite you to listen to an audio clip from our CE5 where you can hear the clicking/tapping lightly in the background where my voice is paused. Listen to the audio here just below.  If you have tiny or poor speakers it may be hard to hear the clicking.  Listening through earphones is a good way to remedy that situation. The easiest places in the recording to hear it are right after I say the words “Hello Mark” (at 4:04 in the audio clip) during a pause. And during the little pause between the words “very” … and …”very right there” (at 4:43).  Remember, as I said earlier, that this isn’t what I heard live on the site.  I was hearing the rather loud shuffling-around sound which was the reason for pausing to listen!

What’s equally fascinating to me is how I came to this understanding.  In all my studies of all things UFO or ET I’ve never heard a word about clicking, tapping or knocking or movement in the brush coming from ETs or Interdimensional beings.  And then in short order I am led to the knowledge of just that right after it happened in the field.  I did not get on the web and do a search engine search, typing in key words hoping for informative results.  None of that! 

All of this information just found it’s way to me. The very fact of this, to me, is just as amazing and phenomenal as seeing a craft in the sky or being touched by an ET. 


If you are new to the practice of CE5 and developing personal contact with ET beings as an ambassador to the universe I encourage you to just work with it and give it some time.  I talk to people quite often that say they have had experiences with UFOs, ETs or related things for a long time or even since they were a child. For me that was not the case, at least not that I was aware of.  When I began studying the work of Dr. Greer in 2019 I had zero personal experiences to share. And about a year and a half went by before I experienced some sort of ET phenomenon which for me happened when I attended a CE5 expedition with Dr. Greer.  When I got home from that and started to work on doing our own CE5 events, I won’t lie, I wondered at times if our efforts could be as fruitful as being at an event with Dr. Greer. But then I finally just decided I’m just going to keep doing it and not judge things by how many lights in the sky we see and just see how things develop over time. And develop they have.  After this last CE5 event I am more convinced than ever to just stay with it as things have definitely gotten very interesting and fulfilling.


I look forward to our next adventure in CE5 and the opportunity to build even greater love and coherence as we reach out to our friends around the cosmos. 


They are here!

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