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“…they were showing us the perimeter of the ship because you would see one blue light, one pop, pop, pop, pop. And they were multiple lights, kind of going in all at the same eye level but spaced apart, almost like going around in a circle…”
Be sure to check out the audio interview also a little further down the page!
I recently returned from a three day event with Dr. Greer and 600 people in Arizona. I have lots to share but I’ve been hot on the trail to learn more about what happened with the blue lights.
There was an amazing thing that happened at the Sunday night CE5 with Dr. Greer and 500 people under the stars. It happened very quickly (from my perspective anyway) but seemed very significant because of the way it happened and that possibly hundreds of people witnessed it.
The way the event was set up there was a small stage where Dr. Greer and a small group of people sat facing into the audience. Then the audience, of course, was facing the opposite direction toward the stage. I was sitting toward the back, probably in the furthest quadrant of seating. Dr. Greer was standing on the stage speaking extemporaneously facing the audience at the time.
Then out of nowhere everyone in the audience in front of me was standing up to see something. Evidently, whoever began the move to stand up felt that there was something to see down low that they would have to rise up higher than the people in the row in front of them in order to see. This set off a whip-like wave of people standing up row after row until it reached me toward the back and then I shot up as well to see. That’s when I saw this brilliant blue light poking over the top of the audience. I only got a glimpse of it but it struck me as quite big, very bright and very, very blue. Nothing subtle about it in the least.
Oddly, thinking about it later, I’m surprised that I got to see anything at all since it seemingly would have to have been quite down low to view. How did it get so high up to be seen by me above the standing audience? I don’t know. It also seemed very close, perhaps just a few rows in front of me. If it wasn’t that close and was actually somewhere way out behind the stage then observation would suggest that it must have been very large indeed. So that’s a bit mysterious to me.
Now let me interrupt myself here and say what you just read in the previous couple paragraphs was my account before I got to talk with other people about their experience. I’ve since gotten to talk with Mindy and compare notes. And so it’s gotten even more interesting. I had driven with Mindy and Ryan from the resort to the CE5 site in the desert. So we were hooked together for the evening. Mindy and Ryan were able to sit very close to the front stage in the middle about 5 rows in. I was seated close to the back perhaps 20 or 30 rows back. And so we had very different perspectives. Here’s a phone conversation I had with Mindy which I invite you to listen in on. I believe you will find this very interesting indeed.
Apparently, there’s more to know about this, maybe A LOT more. So don’t be surprised if this is only version one of a bigger, more complete story to come. I understand there are pictures and maybe video also. We’ll see.
I’ll add one more thing though just for fun. From Mindy’s description of the horizontal moving lights possibly being a partial view of a craft of some type, I couldn’t help but recall the appearance of a craft in the documentary, Capturing the Light with Dorothy Izatt, where the ETs apparently wanted to get their craft in the film by hanging outside the window in view of the camera where Dorothy’s daughter was being interviewed for the film. Go to Amazon Prime to view it. Check out the appearance of the craft outside and how the lights appear to be moving horizontally. You can see this from minute 29:00 in the movie to 30:00. Also from 31:30 to 32:45.