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“…For the next 10 minutes or so there is this sense that something extraordinary is going on as this intermittent reverberation of Dr. Greer’s voice can be heard as if we were all in or under some sort of reflective cavity…”
I want to share with you what, for me, is an amazing piece of evidence of what happened at our CE5 evening in Arizona with Dr. Greer April 10th, 2022.
I have spent some time in my life working with sound in the world of post-production audio for film. One of the activities someone engages in during the course of this work is the replacement of dialogue that was recorded live during filming, with a better, cleaner version. To do this the actor goes into a recording booth that’s designed to have a very dry sound, meaning very little detectable reverb or echo. One way we do this is to use very sound absorbent materials or baffles on the walls. The other way to accomplish the same is to simply have no walls for sound to bounce off of like a wide-open outdoors space.
Once the dialogue has been rerecorded, very often the audio has to have the reverberation characteristics of the setting where it was filmed added back into the audio. Otherwise, it may sound misplaced. Imagine someone standing 20 feet away from you speaking inside an echoing church cathedral but the sound of their voice is as if the person was 10 inches from your ear from inside a small closet full of sound absorbing clothes. This would immediately sound out of place and just plain wrong, frankly, even if you knew nothing about post-production audio.
In the early days of post-production audio technologies for producing artificial reverb were somewhat limited. These days it is possible to go into any space with walls or reflective surfaces of any kind and record a very accurate digital signature of the spaces’ reverb characteristics. Which can then be applied to the dry audio. And so, VOILÀ! The actors’ dialogue now sounds like it’s coming from that space.
Understanding this made my experience of listening and watching the official video of the CE5 event very interesting indeed.
One of the first things I noticed was how clean and dry the sound of Dr. Greer’s voice was on the recording. This would be because the mic was close to his mouth and just picking up the clean, unreflected sound of his voice. I very much appreciated that because it was like he was standing right next to me speaking to me personally. As opposed to when he is speaking in a large meeting room where the sound of his voice may be reverberating all around the room and if the volume isn’t very high I might not be able to understand all his words.
As I was listening to the recording and carrying this appreciation of the clear, dry sound with me, at a certain point in the recording (well over 2 hours into it) I couldn’t help but notice out of nowhere the addition of some reverb into the sound of Dr. Greer’s voice! I thought, “How peculiar!” There’s no way for reverb to appear in a dry, digital recording without the engineer digitally adding it. That means something had to come into the scene with the ability to reflect sound.
This got me thinking. Just yesterday (as of this writing) Mindy, who I had been talking with about our experiences during the event with the periwinkle blue lights, sent me a text to share her thoughts about the possibility that the blue arc of light over the audience (that someone else reported) might have been a dome covering over the audience. She was reading the book, “Contact: Countdown to Transformation” and said she got the idea from learning that this is something that indeed has happened at times. I thought, “Well, that’s interesting”. But I seemed like this was probably just a projected correlation without any good reason to suspect that it was actually so. And plus, she did add, “Maybe not, but it came to mind.” But now I was wondering.
I’ve now gone through the recording during the section that this reverb can be heard including a little before and afterwards. I’ll share some interesting time marks in the video and describe what was going on. If you have access to the video, I encourage you to watch and listen for yourself as the picture and sound together plus a little understanding of what appears to be going on tells an interesting story indeed!
1. If you attended this event, you can access this video for free. If not, I believe it can be purchased at the website.
2. It would be a good idea if you listen to the audio on as nice a pair of headphones as you have if you don’t have a quality speaker system and a quiet room. The Apple earbuds worked fine for me.]
I’ll pick it up at 1:32:00 in the video. This was after the first break which was after the first hour and a half of the event. In the 2nd half of the evening now, Dr. Greer had been speaking and sharing for about 15 minutes by this time. Then at:
1:32:24 – Dr. Greer says, “When I was doing the Puja, I very clearly saw…”
On the word “saw” we hear the first bit of subtle echo with Dr. Greer looking down briefly, then interrupting himself to say, “I just had a pressure wave, from this direction”. He looks and points in a direction. He then adds, “And a high pitched tone, shshshweeee.” (Pause) “Just now.” Then he looks up briefly.

He stands silently for a while, then says, “That pressure wave is still there in a very, very high frequency tone, that direction” and then goes on to share some more.
From that point on the reverb can be heard with his voice intermittently for the next 10 minutes approximately. You hear it strongly for the first time at 1:33:29 over the words, “Yea, it’s all kinds of things.”
Dr. Greer goes on to share. At 1:37:32 he notes a beautiful golden light out in the desert came on and off.
At 1:43:29 is where the big event for the audience happened that I wrote about in my previous report entitled Cosmic Periwinkle. It’s interesting that Dr. Greer and the others on the stage didn’t see any of this amazing event (that I know of), supposedly because it was happening behind the fence behind them. But some of that event reportedly happened over the audience (as reported by me and at least one other) which you would think they could have seen.
I had the sense that it was actually planned this way by the ETs. So that the audience could say this is what WE saw, not what Dr. Greer saw and then pointed out to us. That, of course, he should and would do if that’s the way it came down, but that’s not what happened. This made it kind of extra special and personal for all the first-timers who were there, of which there were many I believe.
But this wasn’t the end of the great blue event because about 15 minutes later (at 1:58:29 in the video) the ETs appeared one more time but this time to appear just for Dr. Greer as we hear him say excitedly, “My God! Did anyone just see that? Ok. So over here in the west-southwest above the building there was a beautiful, blue, white, white, bright object, came on and seemed to move toward us, and it seemed to be somewhat, uhh, oval. It was right here. It was pretty amazing.”
That’s almost exactly what I saw over the audience in front of me 15 minutes earlier! It just seems so right to me that, in the end, Dr. Greer got to see this lovely blue object just like us in the audience. Thank you to the ETs. And Way to Go! I believe everything played out here in perfect order.
I invite you to watch and listen to this section of video again. It’s 30 minutes from 1:30:00 to 2:00:00.
In summary: Dr. Greer is sharing wonderful insights and experiences. Then at some point Dr. Greer is suddenly interrupted by the strong sense of a pressure wave entering the area including an audible high frequency sound and accompanied by the reflection of his voice as if under a dome or some such sound reflecting surface. For the next 10 minutes or so there is this sense that something extraordinary is going on as this intermittent reverberation of Dr. Greer’s voice can be heard as if we were all in or under some sort of reflective cavity.
Then suddenly, as Dr. Greer continues to speak, people in the audience are seeing something going on off to the right of the stage behind the fence directly behind the stage. There may be multiple descriptions of what was seen by people. But Mindy’s description involved blue, quite large, round lights coming on and off in a horizontal row. She and Ryan seemed to think the ETs were showing the shape around a craft of some kind. And this went on for quite a few seconds. Then it seemed to me like everyone in the audience (at least on the right side) stood up to try and see this sight partially obstructed by the fence in front of it. Someone said they saw an arc of blue light over the audience which would have been the same time that I saw a brilliant, bright, blue, blue light over the audience in front of me. What I saw was perhaps a couple feet wide and a rounded off rectangular shape. If there was more to see obstructed by the standing audience, I couldn’t say.
Then 15 minutes later Dr. Greer sees the same object from his viewpoint. Quite an event!
In my experience, it’s often days after an event that we realize what actually happened as the evidence and reports come together. That’s why it’s so important to share our thoughts and experiences from these events.
Some may think the presence of the reverb in the recording as rather subtle and perhaps inconsequential. From my perspective that would not be so. As someone who is familiar with some of the nuts and bolts of digital recording, the presence of reverb in an otherwise dry recording is just not something that shows up as a false artifact of poor recording conditions or some such thing. It’s actually a pretty complicated signature that is generated by the exact shape and reflective qualities of the structure. In fact, it is possible to analyze the reflected reverb and learn quite a bit about what it was reflected by. Listen to the recording. What does it sound like to you?
I hope you have enjoyed my little Look and Listen from 30 minutes of the CE5 event. I realize this is based on looking at the evidence from just 3 or 4 people and the video. Considering the event was experienced live by about 500 people there may be many, many more pieces to the story yet to be told. I’ll try to update this when I learn more.