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…” a doorway through time. And as such a visit and a message from myself from 50 years ago. A message… from time… to time. …”
I have to tell you, real life is stranger than fiction sometimes. I don’t think I could make up some of the things that happen to us in CE5.
A few days ago, someone from our CE5 event this last October contacted me about some pictures he took at the event that, upon later examination, he found to contain a small orb that was moving around. This sparked my interest, particularly because at the previous month’s CE5 I thought I saw a small orb in our circle briefly out of the left side of my view that moved around and was gone quite abruptly. At first, I blew it off as someone playing around with a flashlight of some kind. But later I thought, “how strange” that the orb was a noticeably pastel blue color. Who carries around a pastel blue flashlight anyway. A couple days later I put out a message to all that attended the event and just asked if anyone saw the pastel blue orb and wasn’t speaking up. The answer I got was: “cricket, cricket”. Not a word.
I know from experience that (not always) but very often there is someone else to substantiate the event in question and verify that this wasn’t just the imagination of one person. So, without that I decided to just move it from my “Hmm” list over to my “Eh” list.
But with these photos coming forward, strangely, my first thought was, “I wonder what color the orb was” and, also, there was this strong sense that it was going to be the same pastel blue as what I had seen the month before. And indeed, it was.
Ron, who sent the photos noted other interesting things also. One photo turned out to be one of those “live” photos that adds a few frames of video leading up to the final picture. When I saw that I thought, hmm, what’s going on here? Seems like the camera was jerking around trying to keep the moving orb in the center of the frame. It made me think that perhaps it was just a speck of dust or something stuck on the camera lens. And so, I kind of wrote it off as “hard to tell”.
Later though, as I was writing this blog post, I thought to go back to that short video and see if there was something that I’d missed. This time it became clear. If the orb was just a spot stuck on the camera lens, then it would have been unwaveringly pinned to a location on the screen. But I found that not to be the case. In fact, it was quite clear that the orb was indeed moving very quickly from off to the left to the center and then down. It even had some of the “smear” effect of the orb looking elongated in some frames from moving too fast in the time of one frame. But clearly the camera is either moving in such a way as to keep the orb toward the center of the view. Or the orb is zooming into the camera’s view to make sure it got included in the final picture right about in the middle.
This is very peculiar since Ron says he was just pointing the camera and taking the picture, not diligently trying to follow an object in the sky. He wasn’t even aware of the object until he looked at the photos later on.
It seems apparent that the orb wanted to end up in the picture and was being very diligent to make it so. Ron also found another picture taken 1 minute later with the orb appearing right in front of Lindalee up close making it clear that the orb was indeed a small object right there in the circle with us as opposed to a larger object far away in the sky.
I believe this is the verification that I was asking for from the sighting the month before. And it’s not the first time I’ve received messages of support like this from our extraterrestrial friends.
Check out the photos and video at the end of this blog post to see for yourself.
This experience of events taking place over a period of time or starting at one time and picking up again at another seems to happen quite often with the ETs. It makes sense though, knowing that ETs’ ability to move around and communicate is not just bound to our limited space-time view of things. I could cite a number of examples of this in my recent experiences alone.
I know Dr. Greer had some of this “from time to time” communication happening to him early on. For instance, he saw an ET craft when he was a child. And then later he saw the same craft on the mountain in Boone, NC, during college, where he thought, “Oh look they’re back”. Then he had communications still later as an ER doctor where the ETs told him it was time to pick up that which he had dropped. I’m oversimplifying in his case but you get the idea.
But I…on the other hand…had no ET experiences as a child that I was aware of or through my whole life up to the point of being introduced to Dr. Greer’s work. However, when I first studied Dr. Greer’s work and came to that moment when I was convinced that the ET presence was real (and the cover-up of it also) I had to go through a period of adjustment. I recall spending a good week or so in a strange daze. I don’t mean figuratively, I mean literally, as apparently my mind needed some time to process the magnitude and implications of it all.
I had spent most of my life trying to be a spiritually oriented person, a “truth seeker” you might say. And my activities centered around spiritual pursuits of whatever “brand” I was involved with. But the one thing about this new knowledge of the presence of the ETs that struck me the most was the realization that the ETs that have been visiting us, turns out, are more spiritual than us here on planet earth. In fact, a lot more spiritual and operating at a higher vibration of loving energy. Not religious but in a consciousness where spirituality and science are no longer separated.
It was toward the end of 2019 that this dawning event happened. As 2020 began I was feeling a peculiar urge to go through all my stuff. I wanted to do a personal spring cleaning or a sort of inventory of my life, or so I was thinking. This went on for a week or two going through things and boxes in my house, clearing out and just taking stock.
Then one day when I felt like I was nearly done with this process and working through the last buried boxes in the basement of my house I came upon a certain box containing keepsakes of my activities from back in the 7th grade…which, at the time, was 50 years ago!
As I looked through the box I came to a drawing. It was a pencil drawing of myself, which I dimly recall drawing by studying my face in a mirror laid flat on a table in front of me. It struck me as having a sort of photographic feel to it even though it was a pencil drawing. I even remembered the collar of the shirt I was wearing in the drawing as my favorite golden-brownish suede long-sleeved shirt with the zip-up turtleneck. It was as if the mirror drawing was a doorway through time. And as such a visit and a message from myself from 50 years ago…a message… from time… to time.
Then behind this drawing was a 4-page, handwritten paper written by me. It was entitled at the top, “WHAT WILL THE FUTURE WORLD BE LIKE AT ABOUT 2020”. Needless to say, I was taken aback quite profoundly.
In the paper I had put down some of my thoughts and predictions for what the future held for the next 50 years. Some of my thinking was spot on and some was close. But what really stuck out for me was the last paragraph which read as follows:
“Religion will change. Religion as we think of it today will fade as it is already doing. With breakthroughs and realizations in the field of psychic phenomena the “formal religion” and most of its secondary beliefs will end. A new image of God will prevail.”
What was going on with that young boy to pen these words? I think he hardly had a clue honestly.
So, there I was in January of 2020 receiving a message from myself from 50 years ago nicely mirroring things that Dr. Greer had taught me recently.
It looks like this whole sequence of events did begin in my childhood after all !
Now, all religion hasn’t gone away and I don’t expect it will anytime soon. But I do believe people around the world are now in the process of raising the level of their spirituality to a higher vibration. Then becoming less limited by the confines of religious structures and more universal in their understanding. And thus opening the way for a Level 1 civilization on earth and more open contact between us and our ET friends around the cosmos.
If I could leave you with an exhortation, it would be to look at your life as a whole. What’s it about? Whatever your experience has been in the past it’s time now, I believe, for each of us to pick up our part by elevating our consciousness to a higher plane and thus the consciousness of our planet as a whole. Learn what that means. Learn how to do it. And then practice. The ETs are waiting for us. Time is short. They can and will encourage us and help in some ways, but they can’t do it for us.
God speed, my friend!!
Photo of the pastel blue orb.

Short video of orb in motion. Click on image to make it play if you don’t see any controls.
The orb shown as small and somewhere in our circle, possibly right in front of Lindalee.