Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
“…that means that the fully visible image of the saucer only occupied one frame out of a 30 frame second. And the next frame is nothing but stars….”
I want to introduce this blog report with a little preamble because something happened during the writing process that was unusual. Whereas writing these reports is normally me recalling happenings at our event usually days or weeks before pen hits the page. This time some events unfolded as I was actually writing, making this writing actually part of the event. Strange, huh?
Anyway, it kind of sent this report down a rabbit hole. So I apologize for that but at the same time it kind of accentuates the strangeness of what can happen at these events – before, during and afterwards.
There’s a few times in this report where you’ll notice I say something like “I had this thought”. I’m pretty convinced now that what I thought were my thoughts were actually messages that were being given to me. The reason this now seems clear is because all these “thoughts” were so disconnected to my natural flow of logic and interest at the time. They were just there. And never mind the fact that they revealed information that I didn’t have.
So here we go:
I’m becoming quite convinced there’s at least one ET that likes to attend (or at least check in on) our pre-CE5 Event orientation meetings because I keep seeing evidence of their interaction with us even before we get outside in the field.
During the pre-meeting at our most recent event (April 6th, 2024) I was quite adamant about pointing out that the days of seeing a shiny saucer in the sky are long gone. Because the illegal black military operations have been trying to shoot down ET craft that materialize in 3-D for a very long time now. So it’s very dangerous for ET craft to fly around in our air space for any length of time. (I won’t get into that subject right here but suffice to say it’s huge!)
One of the attendees at this event, Chuck, was a self-described amateur filmmaker who was attending for the first time. He was interested in seeing what he could come up with filming and recording at the event.
A couple days after the event I got a text from him. He wanted to get my opinion on something he had videoed that night that showed a short burst of light into his camera.
He sent me a link to the video. Which I watched. And on first impression I thought it looked like some sort of momentary lens flair or something similar. I’m used to being shown things that people have videoed or photographed that look peculiar, like maybe being ET or an ET craft. But so often I just can’t really say what it actually is or isn’t. Then there’s the ones that you can identify as a natural event, like a lens flair or a shadow or something else.
Here’s the thing though. Chucks video clip started with the actual event he wanted me to see, which passes in a fraction of a second. But then he repeated it back at slower and slower speeds. Until it became very easy to see what it looked like at its brightest and clearest. For a while I looked at it, thinking “how interesting” but still thinking “lens flair or something”.
But after staring at it for a while, I had to stop and think, “You know, this really looks A LOT like a shiny saucer”. And “what a strange coincidence” I thought, having been so adamant about pointing out that we wouldn’t be seeing such things in the sky in these times. Was someone listening in on our pre-meeting?
I could have ended my inquiry there, but one thing led to another.
For starters, where did the light come from to begin with even if it was just a flair or something? We were all sitting in a field in the dark during a guided meditation. No one was flashing lights or lasers into peoples eyes and there were no roads for car headlights to suddenly come upon us.
Then something else caught my attention. It would be my thing to notice this because I worked in the audio world for a while doing film post audio work and music production. I’m trained to hear things.
What I heard was a short pop, tap or click (whatever you want to call it) that accompanied that short burst of light. And I do mean in exact sync with it. At this point you may start to think, “Oh, Mark’s heading off into the weeds now. This is nerdy, detailed audio world stuff that we don’t really care about.”
But I ask you to bear with me for a little while. Does the entrance of a burst of light make a sound? The answer? No, not at all. We get sound when something physical is made to vibrate and that vibration manages to reach our ears. Watch and listen to Chuck’s video now where he plays the burst at slower and slower speeds:
I can’t say what the pop actually is, but it definitely draws attention to this event that there’s something more going on here than just an odd burst of light.
After hearing the pop in the audio track of Chuck’s video I was anxious to listen to my own official audio recording of the event. During our events I place a stereo recording device in the center of our circle which records the whole time we’re there. Chuck was sitting beside me looking through his night vision camera, recording, which has its own built it microphone also. My microphone was about 10 feet away from Chuck’s and operating totally independent. At the time, Dr. Greer’s guided meditation was playing in the background as everyone was meditating. This allowed for our 2 separate recordings to be compared, especially as it relates to timing.
This is strange because I had a feeling this would be so even before I checked it, but my recording device has its own “pop” at EXACTLY the same spot in the recorded event! Why would this be!!?
Suppose you were thinking that the pop in Chuck’s recording was the result of some strange internal digital flaw with his device where a sudden bright light could somehow cross over to the audio track. Well, the pop in my recording on a separate gadget 10 feet away kind of ruins that theory. But it strengthens the idea that there’s something special about the appearance of our shiney saucer.
Very peculiar. But can this be any more peculiar? It turns out, yes indeed!
I had been looking at Chuck’s video with slow motion versions added. But I really wanted to check it out frame by frame as it was originally recorded at 30 frames per second. After doing that, it turns out the image comes in over a span of 4 frames. The 4th frame is the only frame where it’s sharply visible. On the fifth frame it doesn’t just change to starting to fade out. It goes to completely gone! Nothing but the stars! So that means that the fully visible image of the saucer only occupied one frame out of a 30 frame second. And the next frame is nothing but stars. If that’s not odd enough the stars only frame is then followed by a frame with a light shining off to the left and it also only occurs in one frame also. Weird!
If all this seems like strange goings on for ETs to indulge in, I would point out that this was exactly what was going on in the documentary “Capturing the Light” where the ETs did this over and over into Dorothy Izatt’s camera. It’s a very well documented ET phenomenon. You should watch the documentary if you haven’t. It’s available on Amazon Prime.
It’s funny. I think the ETs have me pegged as a “Mr. Details Guy” or something because they keep giving me things to check out that no one would take the time to give out, unless they knew that the person was going to investigate it and share it.
There was another perfect example of this in our orientation meeting for this event.
In the meeting, I was talking about some of our simple gadgets and their usage by the ETs. Explaining that they don’t mind communicating with us in this way, I suppose because it’s easy and safe. The radar detector has been a popular gadget used by the ETs if we have one set up. We also can use Tri-field meters that measure EMFs and lightning detectors. Both of which were being used, incidentally, a lot by the ETs in this evenings CE5 event.
I didn’t have any of these gadgets turned on during the orientation meeting this time and so I didn’t think about something going on like this during the meeting. Apparently though the ETs thought differently.
I’d never thought about it before, but I was recording the orientation meeting as well. Hmm. Do you think there would be a way for them to use my field recorder? It has no speakers hooked up. It just records. So I would say not, right?
Anyway, I finished sharing with the folks about the usage of these gadgets and moved on. A few days later when I was listening to the recording of the orientation meeting there was an unexpected surprise waiting for me!
I was listening to the section where I was explaining about the use of our gadgets by the ETs. I mentioned about 3 beeps we have gotten on the lightning detector at important timing points, a very simple communication that we have come to understand as the “we are here” message. And then I said, “It could do other things too.” A couple seconds later there began to be a sort of chirping/beeping sound over top of my voice. It seemed similar to the sound of a radar detector, and it chirped away for a while. This really got my attention because I have listened to many, many, many hours of audio from our events and I have never, not once, heard this chirping sound (or any other sound) added on top of the recording I was listening too. Listen now to some of the audio recording and notice how this chirping begins after I say, “It could do other things too.”
There was NO radar detector set up in the room!! This sound was literally added to my recording!!!
It’s like the ETs were saying, “You bet we can do other things too! Listen to this!” And indeed Dr. Greer and others have had amazing, complex, and deep communications come through with the use of the radar detector and other instruments as well.
Why would they do this if no one was going to listen to the recording? They either knew I would listen to the recording or knew they could lead me to do it somehow.
I would like to move on at this point, but something just happened in the last few minutes, here while I’ve been working on writing this report and I believe I have no other choice but to share it with you now. This should be interesting though. I guess we’re going live now, so to speak.
So, I just had this thought that the interjected audio that reminded me of the sound of a radar detector didn’t just sound reminiscent or similar but exactly like it in character and if I went and plugged my radar detector in to hear it it would not only sound the same but chirp/beep AT THE EXACT SAME pitch or frequency as my ET audio that was injected into my recording. I set it up and turned it on. When you first turn it on it gives out a beginning sample of what it’s going to sound like. And I found it to be exactly as I thought!!
Perhaps I’ll be able to set up an audio clip for you at some point to let you hear this for yourself.
This is crazy!! In an octave range of music (you know – Do-Re-Me-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do) there are thousands of different pitches or frequencies that can be differentiated by the human ear. For these chirpings to just randomly be the same pitch (very accurately, by the way, not just close) is beyond belief to be a random coincidence.
I’m totally blown away by this and at the same time just knew it would be so! That knowingness in itself is also very strange! There are things going on here with me and all this that I don’t understand but it’s also quite exciting.
And there’s more I’m just seeing now too. It was 8 weeks ago now (to the day, I might add), as I was coming into my house, I came upon two mourning doves that had suddenly decided to park themselves on my back deck. Check out the photos on this page. They’re amazing.

They literally moved in on my deck and used the nest that was right outside our kitchen window where we watched them over the next few weeks laying eggs, sitting on them, feeding their babies and finally disappearing just 2 days ago.

During their stay I became very interested in their cooing sound. And as a musician I tried seeing if I could duplicate the sound. At some point I had this thought totally out of the blue. The thought was, “It’s an alto recorder.” If you’re not familiar, it’s an old wooden Baroque instrument that sounds kind of flute like. With the thought I just knew this was right and so I went online and purchased one right away.
I have to say, my special interest in this cooing seemed peculiar to me and I wondered what it all meant. The mourning dove’s cooing consists of 2 different pitches basically. One of my instruments a long time ago was the oboe. I also played the recorder because the fingering was similar. When the recorder arrived, not knowing what pitches I would need to try to duplicate the dove’s coo, I just placed my fingers on the instrument in an instinctive way and gently blew. It was the exact pitch of the dove’s coo. I was blown away and didn’t understand why or how this was happening. I hadn’t picked up an alto recorder in probably 50 years and had no idea what fingering would make what pitch or anything. I moved my fingers to a different position and blew again and found that was the 2nd pitch of the dove’s coo. From then on, I would practice and listen to the dove cooing now and then and try my best to duplicate the nuances of the bird’s call.
The whole mourning dove experience has been mysterious and wonderful but with no explanation in sight. Again, in the last hour as I’ve been writing I’ve had one more thought. And that is that “The pitch of the dove is the same pitch as the pitch of the radar detector.” And that is the same pitch as the ET recording from our CE5 Orientation meeting. I went and checked this out a few minutes ago and found it to be exactly as I thought!!
So what’s the meaning of all this? I’m hoping to learn more over time. But at this point I think I should interrupt myself as I realize I’ve just taken you down a strange personal rabbit hole. I don’t understand what just happened but I think this blog entry is long enough. I haven’t even gotten to the story that I was originally aiming for yet, which was about how we have had numerous instances of these bursts of light in the eyes at our CE5 events over a span of the last 6 months.
As far as the shiny saucer is concerned, was that actually an ET vehicle coming into 3d space for a fraction of a second? Or the ETs just saying, “Wait a minute. Not so fast with this “days of seeing a shiny saucer in the sky are long gone” business. I can’t say but I can say they are here with us and interacting in wonderful ways.
My personal interaction here may not apply much to your life. But if you want a good take-away from this, just know that they will interact with you over time in a very personal way also if you are open to it and seek it out.
I hope to follow up with a Part 2 of this report to cover the rest of the story. So stay tuned!! (pun intended).