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…”In my heart I felt warmed by the idea that the dove was there to give us hope and courage at a both wonderful and treacherous time in history to help usher us into this new era….”
In my lifetime I had never seen or had any contact with mourning doves. Only read about them in books. But one day recently, specifically, February 18th, 2024, as I was walking from my studio building to the deck that leads into my house, I was greeted by two mourning doves sitting on my deck in a concrete flowerpot.

My mind immediately considered the significance of their arrival in folklore and history and briefly mused with the thought that they could be ET related in some way. That’s as far as I went with those thoughts at the time. But I was delighted to have them there and seemingly with no inclination to fly away.

In fact, they stayed for 2 months, commandeered a bird’s nest hanging on the wall nearby, laid eggs, hatched and nurtured them until the day they could fly away on their own. What a delightful experience to watch them so closely day after day!
I wrote about them briefly in a blog report from a couple months ago ( The Shiny Saucer ) but didn’t go into a lot of detail. And probably wouldn’t have brought the topic up again except it seems something or somebody doesn’t want me to drop it. I’ll explain in a minute.
But first you should know that there were some peculiar things that happened during their stay and also after they were gone which involved messages being brought to my mind, I now assume, by the ETs that are helping and encouraging us to raise our vibration and the vibration of the planet. They did this in such a way as to make it very hard for me to believe anything else but that this was indeed a message from them. I won’t go through the whole thing again here, but you can be fully briefed on it if you go back and read The Shiny Saucer report concerning the doves and also my subsequent report, Close Encounters Under the Roof which also connects in.
But this report is actually about events from the CE5 event in Temecula, California which I just returned from. It was a very large event with Dr. Greer and about 500 people.
I thought I was getting away from our ET events right here at home, but I’ve learned over time that once you make a connection they are very able to stay connected with you over great distance or time for that matter.
It was great hearing the latest updates from Dr. Greer on the state of UFO/UAP disclosure and the immanent events that will probably be taking place soon as things seem to be picking up steam.
It’s getting clearer to me now that Disclosure and CE5 contact are not 2 unrelated subjects. But are very much tied together. On the one hand, disclosure is gaining momentum now, and it is involving special forces in the military including SAP (special access project) personnel. It’s possible it may not be pretty at times but it’s necessary and we’re hopeful it can be peaceful. My sense is that it’s gaining momentum kind of like a train coming through. It’s going to happen, and a lot of hidden information is going to come out. This is big news of course that you’ll never hear in the main stream media because they are so controlled by the illegal military/corporate structures behind all this.
The caveat is that we as people of the planet earth are going to have to grow up to be able to handle it. There will be knowledge of highly advanced technologies brought out to be put to great use. But many of these technologies only work for the best on a planet where the people are through being a warlike people. We’re going to have to raise the level of our consciousness and the necessity for this to happen isn’t going to be optional anymore.
There are many people, like us in CE5 and others who have been working, positively motivated to help make this happen for a good while now.
But as this disclosure takes place, I believe there’s going to be an extra added push, because world-wide awareness that these new technologies are available is going to make people realize that we have to grow up as a planet if we’re going to be able to handle it. An old saying comes to mind for me. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” I’m not talking about the technological inventions here but about the great invention of a transformed planetary consciousness living in peace and unconditional love.
This is my moment of clarity I had sitting in the audience listening to Dr. Greer and also Michael Herrera, one of the military whistleblowers, as they spoke about how disclosure is pushing ahead and the things that might transpire in the coming months.
I am hopeful though that we can do this and can usher in the beginning of a new era for all on planet Earth. How can I say this?. . . This will involve a mixture of increased peace and unconditional love energy and also at times uncomfortable pressures around the world to bring this to pass. A strange combination but something that must happen to find “the order of chaos” as it’s called sometimes. It’s both an exceedingly wonderful and potentially frightful time as we move to bridge this chasm.
When I arrived for the event, I stopped in Friday afternoon to register as an attendee as we were all requested. As I walked out the door to return to my hotel, much to my surprise, I heard a now familiar sound to my ears. It was my mourning dove, this time on top of a light pole off to the right singing its familiar song. “So peculiar”, I thought, this dove sitting up there in the hot cloudless mid day 90-degree sun. It’s call even had the same exact pitch as the dove at my house back in North Carolina. (I have an app that allows me to check.)
In my heart I felt warmed by the idea that the dove was there to give us hope and courage in a both wonderful and treacherous time in history to help usher us into this new era. It’s not something that’s just about me and my experiences with the dove at home. But it’s showing up here also to say it’s for all the CE5 folks attending and around the world. Here’s a little video of my interaction with the dove in Temecula.
As I left, I was thinking to myself, “I wonder if mourning doves are common around this area? Is it possible that they’re so ubiquitous around here that I couldn’t help but run into one. (That was the logical, skeptical side of me trying to do its due diligence concerning this little event.) And then I thought, “It would be really helpful if I could meet someone from this area and ask them about this.”
We had our first meeting that Friday evening. Then meetings Saturday morning. I had made reservations for all my meals at the onsite restaurant weeks before. So, at lunchtime I headed into the restaurant to be seated. I probably should have known but it was impractical for the restaurant to seat every reservation party at their own table. I was a reservation of one and so they would wait to seat me when there were 3 others and then put us together as a table of 4.
Though the event was being attended by people from around the world it turns out that I was seated with 3 genuinely local people that were attending the event together. Of course I had to ask about the doves. “Is it common to see doves in this area?”
The answer I got was not just, “No, They’re not!” But “No” and during registration they saw the dove also along with other people standing around and thought it was noteworthy also! How amazing! I was both surprised and not surprised at the same time. Because it seems like I move from one synchronicity to another at times since I became involved with CE5.
I asked if they minded me making a short video of their remarks to share with you. So here it is. (Scroll down in the written section to the video if you want to see it. Just audio here. Right?),
The dove’s reputation as an usher of hope and peace goes way back in antiquity. Which I’m sure our ET friends are aware of. I’m reminded of the story of Noah and the dove bringing a fresh olive leaf to signify that the flooding had abated.
I believe it’s time to recover from the worldwide flood of lies and deceit that we’ve been drowning in for the last century. And this, I believe, is the message of the doves. To be hopeful, encouraged and courageous as we move forward. We can do this! It’s time for the new era.
Peace on Earth. Goodwill toward ALL.