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…”I believe we have finally reached a momentous tipping point in history…..”
I believe we have finally reached a momentous tipping point in history.
It’s February, 2025, still in the winter months when we don’t typically have CE5 events because of the cold. But it’s not like there’s nothing going on. The flip side of our CE5 activity, at least at this time in history, is the bringing about of DISCLOSURE. Which, if you haven’t been watching lately is picking up steam.
When we’re doing CE5 I feel like we’re doing what we are called out to do which is to make peaceful contact with ET civilizations and build a bridge for the future as we are learning to raise our consciousness to a higher level.
That’s a job we can do. It’s how we can be of help. But what can we do during these winter months? Dr. Greer is busier than ever, meeting with members of Congress, people in our various branches of the military. And meeting with leaders around the world in preparation for disclosure of the secret, illegal activities that have been going on for the past 70 years or more.
One thing Dr. Greer has been encouraging is for us to spread the word of things as they happen to all our contacts whether that’s a small group of friends or a large following you have access to. In short, it’s time to be an activist! Don’t just be a spectator!
I encourage everyone to sign up for Dr. Greer’s newsletter which you can do by going to the home page of It’s right there at the top right of the page. Also, subscribe to both of Dr. Greer’s YouTube channels, “Dr. Steven Greer” and “Dr. Steven Greer Disclosure”. You will get notification of things as they happen and especially right now to get notifications of Dr. Greer’s new pod casts as they come out where he can help guide and inform us as things happen.
Another way we can actively help is via our prayers. I’m not trying to go all religious on you here, although I have nothing against your religion. Prayer, in some form is pretty much universally practiced around the world in some form by every spiritual tradition. You can call it prayer or just putting it out to the universe. It’s all fine with me. But I have gotten some wonderful insights over the last few years about how to pray effectually. Which I’d like to share with you. But let me come back to that in a minute.
One of the things I’ve been praying for is that we reach the tipping point in this whole DISCLOSURE project. And after all, at least from my perspective, it all seems SO CLOSE. It seems like it has reached a point where it will be nearly impossible to stop.
If you have read some of my previous blog reports, you may recall my story about the doves that came and hung out on my deck and the interesting messages that came out from that. I’ve learned over time that messages and signs often come in strange ways. A thought appears in my mind seemingly out of nowhere. Totally unconnected to my previous thoughts. Or strange things happen for which the odds of it being coincidence would be very unlikely indeed.
One day, a little while back, after we’d had some snow fall, about the time I’d started praying daily for the tipping point to happen I was standing in my kitchen looking out on the deck though the window. I noticed a pad of icy melting snow sitting on the top of my shiny black grill. I thought to myself, “That looks like it could slip off the grill and crash down at any moment.” I just thought to ask, “If we’ve reached the tipping point in DISCLOSURE make that pad of snow fall off the grill right now.” The snow then tumbled down and crashed and I thought, “Yes, of course.”
I took it as a sign. And thinking about it, the strangest thing wasn’t that it fell just when I put out the thought. It was that… in scanning my memory I can’t remember ever in my life actually witnessing, in real time, a clear tipping point event like that. The sun was shining. And the snow was melting. …as it sat on top of a slippery slight slope. Perfect!
So, when it passed the tipping point, I noticed that it accelerated very quickly. (You might want to just make a note of that.)
A similar oddity took place a few days before as I’ve been praying for those military “stuck” (as one of them expressed to Dr. Greer) on the other side in these covert programs unable to escape.
Off my deck is a breezeway and a screened in porch. Now and then a little bird gets stuck in the porch. I can’t figure out how it happens. The door is never left open. There must just be a little hidden opening somewhere that it slips through.
So, this day I stepped out of the kitchen and on to the porch and there was not one but two birds flying around, stuck on the porch. My mental antenna immediately perked up because in all the years I’ve lived here (a good 20 now) I don’t ever recall having 2 birds in there at the same time. “How strange”, I thought.
So, I did what I always do, which is to prop the screen door wide open and wait for it to figure out that there’s an opening right over there. It’s surprising how long it takes them to figure it out sometimes.
Then something else happened that got my attention. One of the birds, as it escaped, immediately landed in the bird bath outside on the deck and splashed around like crazy for a good while as if it had been dowsed with poison and was trying to wash it off. I was stunned!
And then I had the thought. I’ll bet there are many in these covert programs that are looking for that open door right now. And are craving for the opportunity to wash themselves of this poisonous situation they have been trapped in.
It turns out this frantic splashing is a known bird behavior, and you can find video clips of it if you want. But the point is I had never seen it before or witnessed it in real time.
I’m pretty sure many of these military people didn’t know they were working for a criminal organization when they first started. They were just doing their jobs. And somehow it was all sanctioned and had a higher purpose although unbeknownst to them.
But in the last year or two, (thanks in great degree to the work of Dr. Greer) word has finally gotten out that they are involved in an illegal criminal transnational enterprise. And they look for the day when they can finally wash themselves of this scourge they’ve fallen into.
Is my little bird adventure just coincidence? I doubt it.
There’s a lot of energy poised at this time for DISCLOSURE to come crashing forward. Which Dr. Greer also, basically stated in just the last few days.
The only question now: Is this DISCLOSURE going to serve secrecy and promote warfare or is it going to bring us toward a new golden age of peace and elevated consciousness which we know is available?
That’s where our activism and our prayers can come in.
Here’s what I wanted to share with you.
Concerning prayer, I learned a few years ago that there is a difference between wanting and having something. Very important distinction. Have you ever noticed that the things that you are wanting are things you don’t have? They are things you lack. And once you get them you no longer have that want for them.
This is universally common. It’s my understanding that if you look at the word “want” in ancient texts you find that there was no separate word for want and lack. They were basically synonymous. Like the statement, “He was found wanting.” Meaning not having something.
The reason I share this is because when you pray you must find a way to do it that that doesn’t involve wanting it. And when I say wanting, understand that behind that word is a feeling, an emotion, a certain energy or vibration. It’s the vibration of not having it.
When people pray fervently, and they are begging God for help quite often they are stuck in this wanting/lacking energy. It’s a great way to not get your prayers answered! You know?
So how do you do this then? If wanting is an emotion, an energy, a vibration…
Let me ask you, what changes in your emotional energy field once you now have that thing that you lacked? Do you now feel more peaceful? Do you have a feeling of happiness or do you feel grateful?
This leads to the greatest key I’ve ever found to praying effectively. Instead of wanting, practice bringing to mind that which you are praying for and accompanying it with the emotions you’ll have once you receive it.
Let go of that wanting vibration and connect with a having vibration. It’s a vibration of emotions like peace, contentment, happiness and gratitude. Feel these things before you have actually received an answer to your prayers.
Dr. Joe Dispenza likes to say that “Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.”
I like to think of it like a radio. Radios and antennas use what they call a carrier wave to deliver their message. The carrier is the radio wave, an electromagnetic vibration. It has the energy to deliver. And then the message or the payload, if you will, (the announcers voice or music) is piggybacked on top of the radio wave.
When we pray our vibration of peace, contentment, happiness and gratitude etc. is the carrier wave for our prayers. Then our specific prayers are carried by that wave.
It’s a beautiful, simple thing but very powerful. You might say it’s the physics of how prayer works!
Most of us have been conditioned to believe that our emotions are determined by our circumstances. (I’ll be happy when I get this. Or I’ll feel peaceful when this is resolved.) But, this need not be. We can practice choosing to generate emotions that will serve us better and be a carrier wave to new heights.
After this there’s another key that I have found very helpful. It’s the power of letting go of that which you are praying for. And here’s the beauty of this. We tend to want our prayers to be answered the way we want them to be answered. And if that’s not happening it’s a great way to fall back into that wanting energy. And we know what that does.
It has been said that “We know not what we should pray for as we ought”. And this is certainly true at times. Do we have a perfect view of all the circumstances of life? Is our detailed image of what we think we should be praying for always spot on? Of course not.
Yet when you pray you need to have something in mind that you’re praying for. Otherwise, why pray? Right? And many people have spoken about the benefits of getting clear and detailed in your prayers.
It can be sort of a conundrum. But here’s what works for me. I like to go ahead and be as specific as I want with my prayers. Maybe very specific. But I always attach an added thought. Which is something like – …or something better. …at the appropriate time and way. …in a way that’s for the greatest good to all.
This way I’m letting it go. And I don’t have to doubt that my prayer will be answered because I have given it to God, the universe, the Great Spirit, however you think of it. That which is totally capable of bringing it to pass.
Also, this way I don’t harbor a fear that I might be asking amiss. ( Another great way to stifle your prayers. You don’t want to be using fear as your carrier wave.)
I’m certainly not asking amiss because I’ve simply put out my thoughts about what I think would be best but letting the power of the universe make it absolutely right.
It’s a beautiful thing, to say the least!
So, to wrap things up: Stop wanting things and start having things by letting your positive emotions be the carrier of your prayers. Also, learn to let it go and let love be the perfector of your desires.
I realize that thinking this way may be new to you and possibly even uncomfortable at first. But you can do it. It just takes a little practice.
If you’re having trouble feeling a needed emotion toward a certain thought or prayer you can start by recalling that emotion from a past situation where it came natural for you to feel it. Then just “swap it out” for the situation you need it in. Whatever works for you.
Hope this helps. See you on the other side.