CE5 Asheville https://ce5asheville.com/ CE5 Asheville Website Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:24:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 The Tipping Point https://ce5asheville.com/2025/02/25/tippingpoint/ Tue, 25 Feb 2025 15:23:16 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2760 …”I believe we have finally reached a momentous tipping point in history…..” 0:00 / 0:00 The Tipping Point I believe we have finally reached a momentous tipping point in history. It’s February, 2025, still […]

The post The Tipping Point appeared first on CE5 Asheville.


…”I believe we have finally reached a momentous tipping point in history…..”

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The Tipping Point

I believe we have finally reached a momentous tipping point in history.

It’s February, 2025, still in the winter months when we don’t typically have CE5 events because of the cold. But it’s not like there’s nothing going on.  The flip side of our CE5 activity, at least at this time in history, is the bringing about of DISCLOSURE.  Which, if you haven’t been watching lately is picking up steam. 

When we’re doing CE5 I feel like we’re doing what we are called out to do which is to make peaceful contact with ET civilizations and build a bridge for the future as we are learning to raise our consciousness to a higher level.

That’s a job we can do.  It’s how we can be of help. But what can we do during these winter months? Dr. Greer is busier than ever, meeting with members of Congress, people in our various branches of the military.  And meeting with leaders around the world in preparation for disclosure of the secret, illegal activities that have been going on for the past 70 years or more.

One thing Dr. Greer has been encouraging is for us to spread the word of things as they happen to all our contacts whether that’s a small group of friends or a large following you have access to.  In short, it’s time to be an activist! Don’t just be a spectator!

I encourage everyone to sign up for Dr. Greer’s newsletter which you can do by going to the home page of DrStevenGreer.com   It’s right there at the top right of the page. Also, subscribe to both of Dr. Greer’s YouTube channels, “Dr. Steven Greer” and “Dr. Steven Greer Disclosure”. You will get notification of things as they happen and especially right now to get notifications of Dr. Greer’s new pod casts as they come out where he can help guide and inform us as things happen.

Another way we can actively help is via our prayers. I’m not trying to go all religious on you here, although I have nothing against your religion. Prayer, in some form is pretty much universally practiced around the world in some form by every spiritual tradition. You can call it prayer or just putting it out to the universe. It’s all fine with me.  But I have gotten some wonderful insights over the last few years about how to pray effectually. Which I’d like to share with you. But let me come back to that in a minute.

One of the things I’ve been praying for is that we reach the tipping point in this whole DISCLOSURE project. And after all, at least from my perspective, it all seems SO CLOSE. It seems like it has reached a point where it will be nearly impossible to stop.

If you have read some of my previous blog reports, you may recall my story about the doves that came and hung out on my deck and the interesting messages that came out from that.  I’ve learned over time that messages and signs often come in strange ways.  A thought appears in my mind seemingly out of nowhere. Totally unconnected to my previous thoughts. Or strange things happen for which the odds of it being coincidence would be very unlikely indeed.

One day, a little while back, after we’d had some snow fall, about the time I’d started praying daily for the tipping point to happen I was standing in my kitchen looking out on the deck though the window. I noticed a pad of icy melting snow sitting on the top of my shiny black grill. I thought to myself, “That looks like it could slip off the grill and crash down at any moment.” I just thought to ask, “If we’ve reached the tipping point in DISCLOSURE make that pad of snow fall off the grill right now.” The snow then tumbled down and crashed and I thought, “Yes, of course.”

I took it as a sign. And thinking about it, the strangest thing wasn’t that it fell just when I put out the thought. It was that… in scanning my memory I can’t remember ever in my life actually witnessing, in real time, a clear tipping point event like that. The sun was shining. And the snow was melting.  …as it sat on top of a slippery slight  slope. Perfect!

So, when it passed the tipping point, I noticed that it accelerated very quickly.  (You might want to just make a note of that.)

A similar oddity took place a few days before as I’ve been praying for those military “stuck” (as one of them expressed to Dr. Greer) on the other side in these covert programs unable to escape.

Off my deck is a breezeway and a screened in porch. Now and then a little bird gets stuck in the porch. I can’t figure out how it happens.  The door is never left open. There must just be a little hidden opening somewhere that it slips through.

So, this day I stepped out of the kitchen and on to the porch and there was not one but two birds flying around, stuck on the porch. My mental antenna immediately perked up because in all the years I’ve lived here (a good 20 now) I don’t ever recall having 2 birds in there at the same time. “How strange”, I thought.

So, I did what I always do, which is to prop the screen door wide open and wait for it to figure out that there’s an opening right over there. It’s surprising how long it takes them to figure it out sometimes.

Then something else happened that got my attention. One of the birds, as it escaped, immediately landed in the bird bath outside on the deck and splashed around like crazy for a good while as if it had been dowsed with poison and was trying to wash it off. I was stunned!

And then I had the thought. I’ll bet there are many in these covert programs that are looking for that open door right now. And are craving for the opportunity to wash themselves of this poisonous situation they have been trapped in.

It turns out this frantic splashing is a known bird behavior, and you can find video clips of it if you want. But the point is I had never seen it before or witnessed it in real time.

I’m pretty sure many of these military people didn’t know they were working for a criminal organization when they first started. They were just doing their jobs. And somehow it was all sanctioned and had a higher purpose although unbeknownst to them.  

But in the last year or two, (thanks in great degree to the work of Dr. Greer) word has finally gotten out that they are involved in an illegal criminal transnational enterprise. And they look for the day when they can finally wash themselves of this scourge they’ve fallen into.

Is my little bird adventure just coincidence? I doubt it.

There’s a lot of energy poised at this time for DISCLOSURE to come crashing forward. Which Dr. Greer also, basically stated in just the last few days.

The only question now: Is this DISCLOSURE going to serve secrecy and promote warfare or is it going to bring us toward a new golden age of peace and elevated consciousness which we know is available?

That’s where our activism and our prayers can come in.

Here’s what I wanted to share with you.

Concerning prayer, I learned a few years ago that there is a difference between wanting and having something. Very important distinction. Have you ever noticed that the things that you are wanting are things you don’t have? They are things you lack.  And once you get them you no longer have that want for them.

This is universally common.  It’s my understanding that if you look at the word “want” in ancient texts you find that there was no separate word for want and lack. They were basically synonymous. Like the statement, “He was found wanting.” Meaning not having something.

The reason I share this is because when you pray you must find a way to do it that that doesn’t involve wanting it. And when I say wanting, understand that behind that word is a feeling, an emotion, a certain energy or vibration. It’s the vibration of not having it.

When people pray fervently, and they are begging God for help quite often they are stuck in this wanting/lacking energy. It’s a great way to not get your prayers answered! You know?

So how do you do this then? If wanting is an emotion, an energy, a vibration…

Let me ask you, what changes in your emotional energy field once you now have that thing that you lacked?  Do you now feel more peaceful? Do you have a feeling of happiness or do you feel grateful?

This leads to the greatest key I’ve ever found to praying effectively. Instead of wanting, practice bringing to mind that which you are praying for and accompanying it with the emotions you’ll have once you receive it.

Let go of that wanting vibration and connect with a having vibration.  It’s a vibration of emotions like peace, contentment, happiness and gratitude. Feel these things before you have actually received an answer to your prayers.

Dr. Joe Dispenza likes to say that “Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership.”

I like to think of it like a radio. Radios and antennas use what they call a carrier wave to deliver their message. The carrier is the radio wave, an electromagnetic vibration.  It has the energy to deliver.  And then the message or the payload, if you will, (the announcers voice or music) is piggybacked on top of the radio wave.

When we pray our vibration of peace, contentment, happiness and gratitude etc. is the carrier wave for our prayers. Then our specific prayers are carried by that wave.

It’s a beautiful, simple thing but very powerful. You might say it’s the physics of how prayer works!

Most of us have been conditioned to believe that our emotions are determined by our circumstances. (I’ll be happy when I get this. Or I’ll feel peaceful when this is resolved.)  But, this need not be. We can practice choosing to generate emotions that will serve us better and be a carrier wave to new heights.

After this there’s another key that I have found very helpful. It’s the power of letting go of that which you are praying for. And here’s the beauty of this. We tend to want our prayers to be answered the way we want them to be answered.  And if that’s not happening it’s a great way to fall back into that wanting energy.  And we know what that does.

It has been said that “We know not what we should pray for as we ought”. And this is certainly true at times. Do we have a perfect view of all the circumstances of life? Is our detailed image of what we think we should be praying for always spot on?  Of course not.

Yet when you pray you need to have something in mind that you’re praying for.  Otherwise, why pray? Right? And many people have spoken about the benefits of getting clear and detailed in your prayers.

It can be sort of a conundrum.  But here’s what works for me. I like to go ahead and be as specific as I want with my prayers. Maybe very specific. But I always attach an added thought. Which is something like – …or something better. …at the appropriate time and way. …in a way that’s for the greatest good to all.

This way I’m letting it go. And I don’t have to doubt that my prayer will be answered because I have given it to God, the universe, the Great Spirit, however you think of it. That which is totally capable of bringing it to pass.

Also, this way I don’t harbor a fear that I might be asking amiss. ( Another great way to stifle your prayers.  You don’t want to be using fear as your carrier wave.)

I’m certainly not asking amiss because I’ve simply put out my thoughts about what I think would be best but letting the power of the universe make it absolutely right.

It’s a beautiful thing, to say the least!

So, to wrap things up: Stop wanting things and start having things by letting your positive emotions be the carrier of your prayers. Also, learn to let it go and let love be the perfector of your desires.

I realize that thinking this way may be new to you and possibly even uncomfortable at first. But you can do it. It just takes a little practice.

If you’re having trouble feeling a needed emotion toward a certain thought or prayer you can start by recalling that emotion from a past situation where it came natural for you to feel it. Then just “swap it out” for the situation you need it in. Whatever works for you.

Hope this helps. See you on the other side.

The post The Tipping Point appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

Neighborhood Skywatch https://ce5asheville.com/2024/12/07/skywatch/ Sat, 07 Dec 2024 22:53:04 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2729 …”The last few months we’ve been joined at our CE5 events by a local filmmaker….” 0:00 / 0:00 Neighborhood Skywatch The last few months we’ve been joined at our CE5 events by a local […]

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…”The last few months we’ve been joined at our CE5 events by a local filmmaker….”

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Neighborhood Skywatch

The last few months we’ve been joined at our CE5 events by a local filmmaker, Chuck, whose been filming and investigating at our CE5 events.

About a month ago he finished a documentary and put it up on YouTube for all to see.  

It’s entitled Neighborhood Skywatch, findable under Howling Underdog Films.

I have to apologize for not letting you know about this sooner. Despite being excited about this new film, I was a little horrified seeing and hearing myself on camera so much and wishing I was more prepared in my conversation.

But thinking about it now, it’s probably good that I wasn’t really cognizant that a film was being made.  So I didn’t try to script my words at all which probably would have only cheapened the results anyway. 

So yesterday, I went back and watched it again with a less self-critical eye.  And decided, Ok, Mark, get over yourself.  It’s fine.  Let the folks see what we’ve got here.  There’s some really cool stuff in there.  the documentary covers events from two different CE5 events a month apart. The scenes that are outside are from the first event.  The scenes from inside are from our pre-meetings and the second CE5 event which took place inside because it turned out rainy that evening.  

So here it is…

The post Neighborhood Skywatch appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

A Moment of Clarity https://ce5asheville.com/2024/08/26/a-moment-of-clarity/ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 23:58:22 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2584 …”In my heart I felt warmed by the idea that the dove was there to give us hope and courage at a both wonderful and treacherous time in history to help usher us into […]

The post A Moment of Clarity appeared first on CE5 Asheville.


…”In my heart I felt warmed by the idea that the dove was there to give us hope and courage at a both wonderful and treacherous time in history to help usher us into this new era….”

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A Moment of Clarity

In my lifetime I had never seen or had any contact with mourning doves. Only read about them in books. But one day recently, specifically, February 18th, 2024, as I was walking from my studio building to the deck that leads into my house, I was greeted by two mourning doves sitting on my deck in a concrete flowerpot.

  My mind immediately considered the significance of their arrival in folklore and history and briefly mused with the thought that they could be ET related in some way. That’s as far as I went with those thoughts at the time.  But I was delighted to have them there and seemingly with no inclination to fly away.

In fact, they stayed for 2 months, commandeered a bird’s nest hanging on the wall nearby, laid eggs, hatched and nurtured them until the day they could fly away on their own. What a delightful experience to watch them so closely day after day! 

I wrote about them briefly in a blog report from a couple months ago ( The Shiny Saucer ) but didn’t go into a lot of detail. And probably wouldn’t have brought the topic up again except it seems something or somebody doesn’t want me to drop it.  I’ll explain in a minute.

But first you should know that there were some peculiar things that happened during their stay and also after they were gone which involved messages being brought to my mind, I now assume, by the ETs that are helping and encouraging us to raise our vibration and the vibration of the planet. They did this in such a way as to make it very hard for me to believe anything else but that this was indeed a message from them. I won’t go through the whole thing again here, but you can be fully briefed on it if you go back and read The Shiny Saucer report concerning the doves and also my subsequent report, Close Encounters Under the Roof  which also connects in.

But this report is actually about events from the CE5 event in Temecula, California which I just returned from. It was a very large event with Dr. Greer and about 500 people. 

I thought I was getting away from our ET events right here at home, but I’ve learned over time that once you make a connection they are very able to stay connected with you over great distance or time for that matter. 

It was great hearing the latest updates from Dr. Greer on the state of UFO/UAP disclosure and the immanent events that will probably be taking place soon as things seem to be picking up steam.

It’s getting clearer to me now that Disclosure and CE5 contact are not 2 unrelated subjects. But are very much tied together. On the one hand, disclosure is gaining momentum now, and it is involving special forces in the military including SAP (special access project) personnel. It’s possible it may not be pretty at times but it’s necessary and we’re hopeful it can be peaceful. My sense is that it’s gaining momentum kind of like a train coming through. It’s going to happen, and a lot of hidden information is going to come out. This is big news of course that you’ll never hear in the main stream media because they are so controlled by the illegal military/corporate structures behind all this.

The caveat is that we as people of the planet earth are going to have to grow up to be able to handle it. There will be knowledge of highly advanced technologies brought out to be put to great use. But many of these technologies only work for the best on a planet where the people are through being a warlike people.  We’re going to have to raise the level of our consciousness and the necessity for this to happen isn’t going to be optional anymore. 

There are many people, like us in CE5 and others who have been working, positively motivated to help make this happen for a good while now.  

But as this disclosure takes place, I believe there’s going to be an extra added push, because world-wide awareness that these new technologies are available is going to make people realize that we have to grow up as a planet if we’re going to be able to handle it.  An old saying comes to mind for me. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” I’m not talking about the technological inventions here but about the great invention of a transformed planetary consciousness living in peace and unconditional love.

This is my moment of clarity I had sitting in the audience listening to Dr. Greer and also Michael Herrera, one of the military whistleblowers, as they spoke about how disclosure is pushing ahead and the things that might transpire in the coming months.

I am hopeful though that we can do this and can usher in the beginning of a new era for all on planet Earth.  How can I say this?. . . This will involve a mixture of increased peace and unconditional love energy and also at times uncomfortable pressures around the world to bring this to pass.  A strange combination but something that must happen to find “the order of chaos” as it’s called sometimes. It’s both an exceedingly wonderful and potentially frightful time as we move to bridge this chasm.

When I arrived for the event, I stopped in Friday afternoon to register as an attendee as we were all requested. As I walked out the door to return to my hotel, much to my surprise, I heard a now familiar sound to my ears. It was my mourning dove, this time on top of a light pole off to the right singing its familiar song.  “So peculiar”, I thought, this dove sitting up there in the hot cloudless mid day 90-degree sun. It’s call even had the same exact pitch as the dove at my house back in North Carolina. (I have an app that allows me to check.)

In my heart I felt warmed by the idea that the dove was there to give us hope and courage in a both wonderful and treacherous time in history to help usher us into this new era. It’s not something that’s just about me and my experiences with the dove at home.  But it’s showing up here also to say it’s for all the CE5 folks attending and around the world. Here’s a little video of my interaction with the dove in Temecula. 

As I left, I was thinking to myself, “I wonder if mourning doves are common around this area? Is it possible that they’re so ubiquitous around here that I couldn’t help but run into one. (That was the logical, skeptical side of me trying to do its due diligence concerning this little event.)  And then I thought, “It would be really helpful if I could meet someone from this area and ask them about this.”


We had our first meeting that Friday evening. Then meetings Saturday morning. I had made reservations for all my meals at the onsite restaurant weeks before.  So, at lunchtime I headed into the restaurant to be seated.  I probably should have known but it was impractical for the restaurant to seat every reservation party at their own table. I was a reservation of one and so they would wait to seat me when there were 3 others and then put us together as a table of 4. 

Though the event was being attended by people from around the world it turns out that I was seated with 3 genuinely local people that were attending the event together. Of course I had to ask about the doves. “Is it common to see doves in this area?”

The answer I got was not just, “No, They’re not!” But “No” and during registration they saw the dove also along with other people standing around and thought it was noteworthy also! How amazing! I was both surprised and not surprised at the same time. Because it seems like I move from one synchronicity to another at times since I became involved with CE5.

I asked if they minded me making a short video of their remarks to share with you. So here it is. (Scroll down in the written section to the video if you want to see it. Just audio here. Right?),

The dove’s reputation as an usher of hope and peace goes way back in antiquity.  Which I’m sure our ET friends are aware of.  I’m reminded of the story of Noah and the dove bringing a fresh olive leaf to signify that the flooding had abated. 

I believe it’s time to recover from the worldwide flood of lies and deceit that we’ve been drowning in for the last century. And this, I believe, is the message of the doves. To be hopeful, encouraged and courageous as we move forward.  We can do this!  It’s time for the new era. 

Peace on Earth.  Goodwill toward ALL.

The post A Moment of Clarity appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

Close Encounters Under Roof https://ce5asheville.com/2024/07/16/close-encounters-under-roof/ Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:31:05 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2547 “…If the folks at one of those huge radio telescope facilities (think – the movie – Contact with Jodie Foster) picked up a static pattern like this from outer space, they would all be […]

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“…If the folks at one of those huge radio telescope facilities (think – the movie – Contact with Jodie Foster) picked up a static pattern like this from outer space, they would all be jumping up and down and trying to contact their cohorts around the globe…..”

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Close Encounters Under Roof

We love to do our CE5 events outdoors but if you thought a CE5 event would require an evening under the stars in order to make connections with the extraterrestrials, think again.  Our event on May 6th, 2024 took place totally inside because once we got rolling it started to rain and continued through most of the evening.

But let it be known that this event turned out to be one of our most active events to date. Only you had to look somewhere else besides the skies to experience what was going on.

This report is a revamping of my previous report that was entitled High Strangeness, with some important additions, deletions and corrections.

The term, High Strangeness, made an intriguing title for a report but in the end, I decided it didn’t do proper service to what the ETs were doing with us that night.

*   *   *

In the days of Project Bluebook, the astronomer, Dr. Jay Allen Hynek coined the term “high strangeness” and sited it as probable evidence of something being genuinely ET.  However, his usage of the term was much more useful and analytical, than what most people would jump to in their minds hearing the words high strangeness. In other words, he wasn’t trying to be sensationalist or catering to a typical ufology audience. 

He actually had a rating system for each UFO report he examined which included a Strangeness number and a Probability number. In one of his books, he wrote the following:

“The Strangeness Rating is, to express it loosely, a measure of how “odd-ball” a report is within its particular broad classification.  More precisely, it can be taken as a measure of the number of information bits the report contains, each of which is difficult to explain in common-sense terms. A light seen in the night sky the trajectory of which cannot be ascribed to a balloon, aircraft etc., would nevertheless have a low Strangeness Rating because there is only one strange thing about the report to explain: it’s motion. A report of a weird craft that descended to within a hundred feet of a car on a lonely road, caused the car’s engine to die, it’s radio to stop, and it’s lights to go out, left marks on the nearby ground, and appeared to be under intelligent control receives a high Strangeness Rating because it contains a number of separate very strange items, each of which outrages common sense.”

J. Allen Hynek

This is not to say that anything with a low strangeness rating is a false report. It just means that the report has more “wiggle room”, you might say, than an event with a number of strange data points that tend to lockdown the event even more, as the real deal.  

At this event there were a number of those strange data points that were odd and unexplainable mainly involving what happened and when they happened. All together I would have to give this event a very high strangeness rating based on Dr. Hynek’s system.

There are 2 different (but related) types of events that I want to talk about. The first is a very long event that happened with our radar detector throughout the evening which everyone there experienced.  

The second is something that only I experienced where additional audio was injected into my event recording, something that happened the previous month also.  Only the story unfolds quite a bit more this month, as you’ll see. 

So first, the radar detector. I had hardly ever tried to use it in the past. Maybe set it up once or twice for a little while without any results. Plus, I wasn’t very good at figuring out how to set it up to work out in a field somewhere. 

But the month before this event (which you should read about if you haven’t already – read “The Shiny Saucer” (it’s called) on our blog page at CE5Asheville.com) I reported how that I was explaining in our pre-meeting how the ETs will use our gadgets sometimes to communicate simple things. When I said, “They can do other things also”, (meaning things that are more complicated) audio was added on top of the recording of me saying that. The added audio sounded very much like a radar detector. This was quite strange and impossible as there was no radar detector set up.

So, the following month, which I am writing about now, I took that occurrence as a hint that maybe I should start at least setting up the radar detector at our events. (duh!?) 

And glad I am because it turned into an extraordinary event where the radar detector started beeping at the time we started playing the crop circle tones at the beginning of the CE5 event and went on for one and a half hours nearly nonstop until we wrapped up the evening. 

The only times I’m aware of this happening in the past are during two CE5 events with Dr. Greer out in Joshua Tree National Park known as the Orion Transmissions which are written about at length in Dr. Greer’s book, “CONTACT: Countdown to Transformation”. I understand that they continue to happen regularly ever since also. Although I have no idea where or when.

This is really got me going, you know. I’m trying to understand why this sort of event happened to us. Dr. Greer’s Orion events had a lot more going on than just having the radar detector beeping away the whole time. Dr. Greer was very much a part of these events acting as a transformer to bring these energy downloads from the Orion region of space. And there were many visual manifestations going on and many visitations from various ETs.

On the other hand, we here were mostly first-timers at this CE5 event. I expect the question of “What’s this all about?” for us, is something I’ll be trying to grasp for a while.  I do think that what happened here is much bigger than simply a very interesting event.  There must be something really important going on. And I want to understand the message they are trying to convey.

I do highly suggest that everyone gets Dr. Greer’s book and reads the 2 chapters about the Orion Transmissions.  You’ll better understand my extreme wonder about all this for sure. 

The actual timing of the radar detector activity (when it was active and when it was silent) was noteworthy also. It didn’t begin its continuous hour and a half activity until we began playing the crop circle tones at the start of the actual CE5 event. 

But we did have a short beeping event at the beginning of the evening when we were just about to start our pre-CE5 Orientation meeting. It just beeped for a short while as if to say, “Good evening. We are here. Just wanted to let you know.”  Myself and others were witness that the radar detector was triggered though I hadn’t started recording yet. 

So, we had a brief hello (or whatever) at the very beginning of the evening. There was nothing during our 2-hour premeeting or hour break after that. But then a full hour and half radar detector event starting at the beginning of the CE5 event. This was a good indicator to me that the radar detector wasn’t simply being triggered by some random phenomenon. It seemed like an intelligent plan of some kind.

I want to play a 2-minute section of the recording of the radar detector so you can hear a little bit of what we experienced for an hour and a half. This was right after Dr. Greer’s guided meditation had ended and we were sitting there in silent meditation for a while. The rest of the recording contains a mixture of dialogue and radar detector. So, listen and imagine you were sitting there in meditation listening to this:

The other light noises in the background were other people working in the building close by as we didn’t have total control over the usage of the building.

There were also interesting moments along the way where the beeping would stop for a short time seemingly in response to something that was going on in the room. For example, check out what happened this instance:

In the spots where it goes from soft to loud suddenly (or visa versa) the radar detector was actually performing a built-in function called “automute”, which none of us knew about at the time.  It’s where the volume starts out loud when it’s first triggered, then mutes way down to low volume after 4 seconds. We mistakenly thought the ETs were doing this which was rather exciting and entertaining at times.  But the fact is that the radar detector would only come in suddenly loud if the ETs made it stop for a couple seconds first. Which they seemed to be very aware of. Because, for instance, the jarring loud-to-soft-to-loud thing never happened once during the 30 plus minutes of meditation, which would have been quite distracting.

Now you know, this whole radar detector thing is quite enough for one blog report.  But there’s something else going on here at the same time.

This second thing was something no one was aware of in the room.  And neither I until days later.

You know I record the audio from all our CE5 events with a portable stereo field recorder. About a year or 2 ago I started to notice some strange static sounds over top of my recordings in certain spots. It didn’t keep me from hearing the recorded sound, but it didn’t make any sense to me and, frankly, it was a bit annoying also.  I did ask the question in my mind from the very start, “Could this be ET related in some way?”  But quickly dismissed the idea because I couldn’t see any purpose or meaning to it. 

It bothered me though, because as someone who has worked in his own recording studio for some time, I had never had problems with microphones picking up static. It’s as if my field recorder was acting like a receiver of some kind, you know, a radio. Another thing about it was that it didn’t sound at all like something the stereo microphones were picking up. It had no “room” sound as we might say in the audio world. And it was getting recorded only on 1 of the 2 stereo channels (which the recorder technically is not capable of doing!!). 

But in this last month I found it necessary to let go of my opinion that this static problem was simply an unexplained technical annoyance. 

It began when, in the previous month, I listened to the event audio recording in which the sound of a radar detector was clearly and miraculously (it would seem) added to my recording. 

The thing which I didn’t focus on before about it was that this static issue kicked in at the same time also.  It was as if the static began and then the sound of the radar detector emerged from out of that. So, I began to realize that the two different things must be linked somehow. Hence, I became very inclined to believe that the static was indeed related to an ET presence or at least ET influence of some kind.  I have other evidence to support this also. But I don’t want to get too far into the weeds.

Now, though, since I’ve started giving the staticky sounds more attention I’ve noticed a bit more about them also. A very interesting thing has been that quite often the seemingly random static will end with a series of very regular, metronomic short ticks. 

Here’s an example of that (of which I have many): 

If this noise is indeed just random garbage, what’s with this metronomic regularity? It dawned on me that this should be a huge attention getter! Think about it for a second. If scientists at one of those huge radio telescope facilities (think – the movie – Contact with Jodie Foster) picked up a static pattern like this from outer space, they would all be jumping up and down and trying to contact their cohorts around the globe. If you watch the movie, CONTACT, starting from 36 min, 10 sec in you find the thing that got them excited was simply hearing a steady repeating sound coming out of the random static. 

Audio excerpt from the movie – CONTACT:

Well, you get the idea. Is this an ET bread crumb? It seems as though someone is trying to let me know that there’s something more going on here than just random static.  

Could it get much stranger than this? Let’s see…  

As we start off our CE5 events we like to begin by playing the crop circle audio for a while. (You can learn more about this and get the audio for your own CE5 events through the CE5 Contact App.) 

But during the 10 minutes right before we started the crop circle tones, the static shows up in the recording, but this time does some very strange things. 

It starts off with its familiar random static sound. But then it begins to gradually develop a regularity over the span of a minute and 20 seconds. Not the regular ticking that I just played for you (which was about 180 bpm on a metronome). But much faster like the sound of a motorboat or something. And this gradually develops out of the seeming randomness of the static sound. It was obvious that this was not something totally new coming into the soundscape but rather a change or a morphing in the sound of the static that was already there. 

(As a side note, please know that I’m not promoting this sound as the sound of an actual engine, or, as some said, an “ET free energy motor”.  All I’m saying is “motor boat” seemed like a good way to describe it for lack of something better.  Anyway, the whole idea of a “free energy motor” sounds like it might be a rather primitive technology for the ETs to come up with. Just my thinking right now. Could be totally wrong.) 

But it’s there! And it’s strange! And never been heard in my recordings in the past. Why this? What is this? And why now? Right before an hour and a half of radar detector beeping at the start of a CE5 event? I don’t know the answer to any of these questions.

But listen to it yourself right now:

After this first time, which you just listened to, it does it again and then we start playing the crop circle tones also. This goes on for about ten minutes with the crop circles audio and the steady buzzing sound coming and going a number of times.  

After all this, the radar detector starts beeping and doesn’t stop (except for some very short interruptions interacting with us) until an hour and a half later. It should be noted that the static sound (both the random and buzzing version,) totally ceases once the radar detector starts going. Hmm. I wonder what that’s all about.

The only time it shows up again is at the very tail end of the evening. About 2 minutes before the end, we were talking about whether to do another round of CE5 protocols. Someone suggested going outside. But strangely the timer on my phone went off, playing the audio I use every day when I need a “times up” message. This was very strange because my timer was not turned on and never just decides to do it on its own. I decided to take this as a clear message that it was time to wrap things up. 

At the same time in the recording the static returned one more time in the form of the steady buzz.  Immediately after it stopped, I said, “I kind of feel like wrapping it up”. Everyone agreed and that was the end of the meeting. 

Shortly after, I walked over to the radar detector and quietly said to it, “We have to go home now.” It immediately slowed down and stopped after running non-stop for quite a long time. And I turned it off.

The evening was marked by a great deal of high strangeness, for sure.  In fact, in going back and reading what I have laid out here, I find I can easily innumerate a dozen or more strangeness “data points” (as I called them at the beginning) and quite a few more if I included things that I left out of the report.  

But I decided to ditch my first title for this blog post, which was High Strangeness, realizing after some thought, that it’s kind of lessening and cheapening to what’s really going on here. Yes, it was very strange to us, but you can be sure the ETs aren’t doing this just to entertain us with bizarre events. The ultimate goal of the ETs in all of this must be something much greater than simply being highly strange.  And that “something much greater” is where we hope to go with this.

The post Close Encounters Under Roof appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

The Shiny Saucer https://ce5asheville.com/2024/04/24/the-shiny-saucer/ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 02:01:37 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2329 “…that means that the fully visible image of the saucer only occupied one frame out of a 30 frame second. And the next frame is nothing but stars….” 0:00 / 0:00 The Shiny Saucer […]

The post The Shiny Saucer appeared first on CE5 Asheville.


“…that means that the fully visible image of the saucer only occupied one frame out of a 30 frame second. And the next frame is nothing but stars….”

0:00 / 0:00
The Shiny Saucer

I want to introduce this blog report with a little preamble because something happened during the writing process that was unusual.  Whereas writing these reports is normally me recalling happenings  at our event usually days or weeks before pen hits the page.  This time some events unfolded as I was actually writing, making this writing actually part of the event.  Strange, huh?

Anyway, it kind of sent this report down a rabbit hole.  So I apologize for that but at the same time it kind of accentuates the strangeness of what can happen at these events – before, during and afterwards. 

There’s a few times in this report where you’ll notice I say something like “I had this thought”. I’m pretty convinced now that what I thought were my thoughts were actually messages that were being given to me. The reason this now seems clear is because all these “thoughts” were so disconnected to my natural flow of logic and interest at the time. They were just there. And never mind the fact that they revealed information that I didn’t have.

 So here we go:

I’m becoming quite convinced there’s at least one ET that likes to attend (or at least check in on) our pre-CE5 Event orientation meetings because I keep seeing evidence of their interaction with us even before we get outside in the field. 

During the pre-meeting at our most recent event (April 6th, 2024) I was quite adamant about pointing out that the days of seeing a shiny saucer in the sky are long gone.  Because the illegal black military operations have been trying to shoot down ET craft that materialize in 3-D for a very long time now. So it’s very dangerous for ET craft to fly around in our air space for any length of time. (I won’t get into that subject right here but suffice to say it’s huge!)

One of the attendees at this event, Chuck, was a self-described amateur filmmaker who was attending for the first time.  He was interested in seeing what he could come up with filming and recording at the event. 

A couple days after the event I got a text from him. He wanted to get my opinion on something he had videoed that night that showed a short burst of light into his camera.

He sent me a link to the video. Which I watched. And on first impression I thought it looked like some sort of momentary lens flair or something similar. I’m used to being shown things that people have videoed or photographed that look peculiar, like maybe being ET or an ET craft. But so often I just can’t really say what it actually is or isn’t. Then there’s the ones that you can identify as a natural event, like a lens flair or a shadow or something else. 

Here’s the thing though. Chucks video clip started with the actual event he wanted me to see, which passes in a fraction of a second. But then he repeated it back at slower and slower speeds. Until it became very easy to see what it looked like at its brightest and clearest. For a while I looked at it, thinking “how interesting” but still thinking “lens flair or something”. 

But after staring at it for a while, I had to stop and think, “You know, this really looks A LOT like a shiny saucer”. And “what a strange coincidence” I thought, having been so adamant about pointing out that we wouldn’t be seeing such things in the sky in these times. Was someone listening in on our pre-meeting?

I could have ended my inquiry there, but one thing led to another. 

For starters, where did the light come from to begin with even if it was just a flair or something? We were all sitting in a field in the dark during a guided meditation. No one was flashing lights or lasers into peoples eyes and there were no roads for car headlights to suddenly come upon us. 

Then something else caught my attention. It would be my thing to notice this because I worked in the audio world for a while doing film post audio work and music production. I’m trained to hear things. 

What I heard was a short pop, tap or click (whatever you want to call it) that accompanied that short burst of light. And I do mean in exact sync with it. At this point you may start to think, “Oh, Mark’s heading off into the weeds now. This is nerdy, detailed audio world stuff that we don’t really care about.” 

But I ask you to bear with me for a little while. Does the entrance of a burst of light make a sound? The answer? No, not at all. We get sound when something physical is made to vibrate and that vibration manages to reach our ears.  Watch and listen to Chuck’s video now where he plays the burst at slower and slower speeds:

I can’t say what the pop actually is, but it definitely draws attention to this event that there’s something more going on here than just an odd burst of light.  

After hearing the pop in the audio track of Chuck’s video I was anxious to listen to my own official audio recording of the event. During our events I place a stereo recording device in the center of our circle which records the whole time we’re there. Chuck was sitting beside me looking through his night vision camera, recording, which has its own built it microphone also. My microphone was about 10 feet away from Chuck’s and operating totally independent.   At the time, Dr. Greer’s guided meditation was playing in the background as everyone was meditating. This allowed for our 2 separate recordings to be compared, especially as it relates to timing. 

This is strange because I had a feeling this would be so even before I checked it, but my recording device has its own “pop” at EXACTLY the same spot in the recorded event! Why would this be!!? 

Suppose you were thinking that the pop in Chuck’s recording was the result of some strange internal digital flaw with his device where a sudden bright light could somehow cross over to the audio track.  Well, the pop in my recording on a separate gadget 10 feet away kind of ruins that theory. But it strengthens the idea that there’s something special about the appearance of our shiney saucer.

Very peculiar. But can this be any more peculiar?  It turns out, yes indeed!

I had been looking at Chuck’s video with slow motion versions added.  But I really wanted to check it out frame by frame as it was originally recorded at 30 frames per second. After doing that, it turns out the image comes in over a span of 4 frames. The 4th frame is the only frame where it’s sharply visible. On the fifth frame it doesn’t just change to starting to fade out. It goes to completely gone! Nothing but the stars!  So that means that the fully visible image of the saucer only occupied one frame out of a 30 frame second. And the next frame is nothing but stars. If that’s not odd enough the stars only frame is then followed by a frame with a light shining off to the left and it also only occurs in one frame also. Weird!

If all this seems like strange goings on for ETs to indulge in, I would point out that this was exactly what was going on in the documentary “Capturing the Light” where the ETs did this over and over into Dorothy Izatt’s camera.  It’s a very well documented ET phenomenon. You should watch the documentary if you haven’t. It’s available on Amazon Prime.

It’s funny. I think the ETs have me pegged as a “Mr. Details Guy” or something because they keep giving me things to check out that no one would take the time to give out, unless they knew that the person was going to investigate it and share it.

There was another perfect example of this in our orientation meeting for this event. 

In the meeting, I was talking about some of our simple gadgets and their usage by the ETs. Explaining that they don’t mind communicating with us in this way, I suppose because it’s easy and safe. The radar detector has been a popular gadget used by the ETs if we have one set up. We also can use Tri-field meters that measure EMFs and lightning detectors. Both of which were being used, incidentally, a lot by the ETs in this evenings CE5 event.

I didn’t have any of these gadgets turned on during the orientation meeting this time and so I didn’t think about something going on like this during the meeting.  Apparently though the ETs thought differently.

I’d never thought about it before, but I was recording the orientation meeting as well.  Hmm. Do you think there would be a way for them to use my field recorder?  It has no speakers hooked up.  It just records. So I would say not, right?

Anyway, I finished sharing with the folks about the usage of these gadgets and moved on. A few days later when I was listening to the recording of the orientation meeting there was an unexpected surprise waiting for me! 

I was listening to the section where I was explaining about the use of our gadgets by the ETs. I mentioned about 3 beeps we have gotten on the lightning detector at important timing points, a very simple communication that we have come to understand as the “we are here” message. And then I said, “It could do other things too.” A couple seconds later there began to be a sort of chirping/beeping sound over top of my voice. It seemed similar to the sound of a radar detector, and it chirped away for a while.  This really got my attention because I have listened to many, many, many hours of audio from our events and I have never, not once, heard this chirping sound (or any other sound) added on top of the recording I was listening too. Listen now to some of the audio recording and notice how this chirping begins after I say, “It could do other things too.” 

There was NO radar detector set up in the room!!  This sound was literally added to my recording!!!

It’s like the ETs were saying, “You bet we can do other things too! Listen to this!” And indeed Dr. Greer and others have had amazing, complex, and deep communications come through with the use of the radar detector and other instruments as well. 

Why would they do this if no one was going to listen to the recording?  They either knew I would listen to the recording or knew they could lead me to do it somehow.

I would like to move on at this point, but something just happened in the last few minutes, here while I’ve been working on writing this report and I believe I have no other choice but to share it with you now. This should be interesting though. I guess we’re going live now, so to speak.

So, I just had this thought that the interjected audio that reminded me of the sound of a radar detector didn’t just sound reminiscent or similar but exactly like it in character and if I went and plugged my radar detector in to hear it it would not only sound the same but chirp/beep AT THE EXACT SAME pitch or frequency as my ET audio that was injected into my recording. I set it up and turned it on.  When you first turn it on it gives out a beginning sample of what it’s going to sound like.  And I found it to be exactly as I thought!! 

Perhaps I’ll be able to set up an audio clip for you at some point to let you hear this for yourself.

This is crazy!! In an octave range of music (you know – Do-Re-Me-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do) there are thousands  of different pitches or frequencies that can be differentiated by the human ear. For these chirpings to just randomly be the same pitch (very accurately, by the way, not just close) is beyond belief to be a random coincidence. 

I’m totally blown away by this and at the same time just knew it would be so! That knowingness in itself is also very strange! There are things going on here with me and all this that I don’t understand but it’s also quite exciting. 

And there’s more I’m just seeing now too. It was 8 weeks ago now (to the day, I might add), as I was coming into my house, I came upon two mourning doves that had suddenly decided to park themselves on my back deck. Check out the photos on this page. They’re amazing.

They literally moved in on my deck and used the nest that was right outside our kitchen window where we watched them over the next few weeks laying eggs, sitting on them, feeding their babies and finally disappearing just 2 days ago. 

During their stay I became very interested in their cooing sound. And as a musician I tried seeing if I could duplicate the sound. At some point I had this thought totally out of the blue.  The thought was, “It’s an alto recorder.” If you’re not familiar, it’s an old wooden Baroque instrument that sounds kind of flute like.  With the thought I just knew this was right and so I went online and purchased one right away. 

I have to say, my special interest in this cooing seemed peculiar to me and I wondered what it all meant. The mourning dove’s cooing consists of 2 different pitches basically. One of my instruments a long time ago was the oboe. I also played the recorder because the fingering was similar. When the recorder arrived, not knowing what pitches I would need to try to  duplicate the dove’s coo, I just placed my fingers on the instrument in an instinctive way and gently blew. It was the exact pitch of the dove’s coo. I was blown away and didn’t understand why or how this was happening. I hadn’t picked up an alto recorder in probably 50 years and had no idea what fingering would make what pitch or anything. I moved my fingers to a different position and blew again and found that was the 2nd pitch of the dove’s coo. From then on, I would practice and listen to the dove cooing now and then and try my best to duplicate the nuances of the bird’s call.  

The whole mourning dove experience has been mysterious and wonderful but with no explanation in sight. Again, in the last hour as I’ve been writing I’ve had one more thought. And that is that “The pitch of the dove is the same pitch as the pitch of the radar detector.” And that is the same pitch as the ET recording from our CE5 Orientation meeting. I went and checked this out a few minutes ago and found it to be exactly as I thought!!  

So what’s the meaning of all this? I’m hoping to learn more over time. But at this point I think I should interrupt myself as I realize I’ve just taken you down a strange personal rabbit hole.  I don’t understand what just happened but I think this blog entry is long enough.  I haven’t even gotten to the story that I was originally aiming for yet, which was about how we have had numerous instances of these bursts of light in the eyes at our CE5 events over a span of the last 6 months. 

As far as the shiny saucer is concerned, was that actually an ET vehicle coming into 3d space for a fraction of a second? Or the ETs just saying, “Wait a minute. Not so fast with this “days of seeing a shiny saucer in the sky are long gone” business. I can’t say but I can say they are here with us and interacting in wonderful ways. 

My personal interaction here may not apply much to your life.  But if you want a good take-away from this, just know that they will interact with you over time in a very personal way also if you are open to it and seek it out. 

I hope to follow up with a Part 2 of this report to cover the rest of the story.  So stay tuned!! (pun intended).

The post The Shiny Saucer appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

When Things Start Clicking https://ce5asheville.com/2023/09/16/clicking/ Sat, 16 Sep 2023 00:18:18 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2262 “…After the 3rd try she finally gets to share about the clicking she heard. And it just takes off from there as others chime in…” 0:00 / 0:00 When Things Start Clicking One of […]

The post When Things Start Clicking appeared first on CE5 Asheville.


“…After the 3rd try she finally gets to share about the clicking she heard. And it just takes off from there as others chime in…”

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When Things Start Clicking

One of the things I really like to harp on when I’m prepping people at our CE5 events that are attending for the first time is the need to share what they are experiencing during the event. And preferably, as it’s happening or soon after.

You see there’s so much more that can go on than just what we see moving across the sky. And some of the activity is so strange or subtle or unexpected that people tend to write it off or think no one would believe them.

But I can’t tell you how many times, when people spoke up about something they were experiencing that someone else blurts out with something like, “I experienced that too!”

And this actually makes a lot of sense the more you think about it. When just one person experiences something it’s really easy for that person to talk themselves out of it. Or, if sharing it, for others to say, “Oh, they probably just imagined it.” It seems the ETs are very aware of this and most often arrange for a least one other person to be part of the experience.

If I scanned my memory for all the times I’ve seen this happen and shared them all with you right now, this would be a long blog report indeed! But fortunately, a classic example of this got recorded very nicely during this last CE5 event. And I think you would enjoy hearing how this often goes down.  

Before I play the audio, I’d like to make an editorial comment though.  Last month I put out a report detailing what we thought at the time was a pulsating green orb.  And we had pretty good video of it too. Soon after, however, I deleted the report and the video because after studying it for a while we became pretty convinced that it was probably a drone. Somebody got in pretty close to us and tried to pull our leg. It was a pretty good fake too, as you couldn’t see anything that was shaped like a drone or the sound of a drone. That was quite disappointing of course. But we have no desire to convince ourselves of things that are not.  And when you have a video like that you can become quite invested in it. The fake was shiny and bright and drew a lot of attention. But we managed to let it go. Something we have learned in CE5 is that it’s good to keep a healthy scepticism around for just these situations.

But what happened this month I think was actually much more interesting and something that no one would even think of faking much less have the ability to do it.

What I’m talking about is clicking.  Yes, the sound of clicking.  It turns out there are some ETs that click!! 

I knew about this and had an experience with it almost exactly 2 years before this event. And I hadn’t said a word about it to the people attending this event.  So, most likely, hardly anybody present had any pre-knowledge of the existence of clicking ETs!  Furthermore, I didn’t hear the clicking myself this time.  Which was actually helpful because if I had, I probably would have spoken up and told everyone to listen for the clicking, thus inserting the idea into their minds.

After my first connection with the clicking sound in September of 2021 I was able to learn a good bit about this phenomenon from a video with Jeremy Cloake of New Zealand speaking about Close Proximity phenomena in CE5. He and others have heard the clicking sound on several occasions and even recorded the sound more than once.

The audio I want to share is not the sound of the clicking itself, but rather the conversation about it in our group. It’s a bit comical as it starts with Heidi trying to get my attention as we we’re all chatting away at the time. After the 3rd try she finally gets to share about the clicking she heard.  And it just takes off from there as others chime in to say they heard it too.  It was a classic example of the need for people to share and what often happens when they do!  Enjoy! 

If you want to learn more about the clicking thing, I recommend reading the CE5Asheville.com blog report from Sept 4, 2021 entitled, “They Are Here”, Part 2. 

Here’s a link:   https://ce5asheville.com/2021/09/04/theyarehere/  

Also, included in that report is a video of Jeremy Cloake where he talks about the clicking and other things. It’s a 2-hour video and very interesting all the way through. But if you have limited time, the clicking discussion happens starting at minute 21:00 and goes through minute 37:00. Then again near the end at 1 hour, 55 minutes (1:55:00).

The post When Things Start Clicking appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

A New World https://ce5asheville.com/2023/01/27/new/ Fri, 27 Jan 2023 01:23:57 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=2033 …” I just recently was allowed to join a group that’s embarking on an exciting project to produce the world’s first open source zero-point energy device …”  0:00 / 0:00 A New World I  just […]

The post A New World appeared first on CE5 Asheville.


…” I just recently was allowed to join a group that’s embarking on an exciting project to produce the world’s first open source zero-point energy device …” 

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A New World

I  just recently was allowed to join a group that’s embarking on an exciting project to produce the world’s first open source zero-point energy device.  And for starters I wanted to share a little gift with the people of this group and you in the CE5 community as well. 

As you know, CE5 is not just about making contact with ETs but ultimately about raising the vibration of our planet as a whole and bringing about A NEW WORLD.

My little gift is a reading of a short children’s book entitled, “What Do You Do with an Idea?” by Kobi Yamada. The reading was done by my granddaughter, Abby.  

So good was her reading that we felt we had to bring her into the studio and record it.  And then I liked it so much I couldn’t resist writing music to go along with it. And finally, we added the imagery from the book also.  So, it went from audio to video.  Kind of crazy. But I suspect you’ll find this entertaining and perhaps inspiring.

In my opinion the greatest inventions are not always the most complicated. In fact, quite often the contrary.

Take the telescope for instance.  What is it? A couple pieces of glass shaped in a certain way and then held apart at a proper distance to peer through. Maybe a reflector also but that’s pretty much it, right?  And now we have telescopes that are revealing wonderful spacescapes many, many light years away. 

Or how about the light bulb. I suppose Edison was pretty convinced that all he needed was to find the right materiel to pass electricity through in the presence of a vacuum.  You could argue that Edison’s greatest idea beyond that was simply his persistence.

Even the invention of the wheel is kind of fascinating if you think about it.  And we take it so for granted.  It’s really the invention of the wheel/axle.  Any cave man could understand the idea of the wheel by rolling a rock or a log down a hill.  Right?  But how to get a platform (which could sit on an axle) to follow the wheel for a long period of time, now that took a little stroke of brilliance and some problem solving!

Producing a working zero-point energy device will be one the prime pieces of the puzzle in bringing forth A NEW WORLD along with the priority of raising our vibration as a species on this planet.  As of this writing, Dr. Greer is in the middle of production for his new documentary film entitled The Lost Century, hopefully coming out this spring sometime. This group is a practical offshoot of the subject of the film in which Dr. Greer will be showing us how that many, many of these devices have been invented over the last century and then confiscated or stopped by all sorts of means.  So, this group is the first group that I know of that is working in alignment with the approach Dr. Greer has laid out that involves an open-source approach.  It’s exciting to see what’s going on.  

In the light of all this, please enjoy this short video.


The post A New World appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

From Time to Time https://ce5asheville.com/2022/11/17/time/ Thu, 17 Nov 2022 21:05:35 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=1951 …” a doorway through time. And as such a visit and a message from myself from 50 years ago.  A message… from time… to time. …”  0:00 / 0:00 From Time to Time I have to […]

The post From Time to Time appeared first on CE5 Asheville.


…” a doorway through time. And as such a visit and a message from myself from 50 years ago.  A message… from time… to time. …” 

0:00 / 0:00
From Time to Time

I have to tell you, real life is stranger than fiction sometimes.  I don’t think I could make up some of the things that happen to us in CE5. 

A few days ago, someone from our CE5 event this last October contacted me about some pictures he took at the event that, upon later examination, he found to contain a small orb that was moving around.  This sparked my interest, particularly because at the previous month’s CE5 I thought I saw a small orb in our circle briefly out of the left side of my view that moved around and was gone quite abruptly.  At first, I blew it off as someone playing around with a flashlight of some kind.  But later I thought, “how strange” that the orb was a noticeably pastel blue color. Who carries around a pastel blue flashlight anyway. A couple days later I put out a message to all that attended the event and just asked if anyone saw the pastel blue orb and wasn’t speaking up.  The answer I got was: “cricket, cricket”. Not a word.

I know from experience that (not always) but very often there is someone else to substantiate the event in question and verify that this wasn’t just the imagination of one person.  So, without that I decided to just move it from my “Hmm” list over to my “Eh” list.

But with these photos coming forward, strangely, my first thought was, “I wonder what color the orb was” and, also, there was this strong sense that it was going to be the same pastel blue as what I had seen the month before.  And indeed, it was. 

Ron, who sent the photos noted other interesting things also. One photo turned out to be one of those “live” photos that adds a few frames of video leading up to the final picture. When I saw that I thought, hmm, what’s going on here?  Seems like the camera was jerking around trying to keep the moving orb in the center of the frame.  It made me think that perhaps it was just a speck of dust or something stuck on the camera lens.  And so, I kind of wrote it off as “hard to tell”. 

Later though, as I was writing this blog post, I thought to go back to that short video and see if there was something that I’d missed.  This time it became clear.  If the orb was just a spot stuck on the camera lens, then it would have been unwaveringly pinned to a location on the screen.  But I found that not to be the case.  In fact, it was quite clear that the orb was indeed moving very quickly from off to the left to the center and then down. It even had some of the “smear” effect of the orb looking elongated in some frames from moving too fast in the time of one frame. But clearly the camera is either moving in such a way as to keep the orb toward the center of the view.  Or the orb is zooming into the camera’s view to make sure it got included in the final picture right about in the middle.  

This is very peculiar since Ron says he was just pointing the camera and taking the picture, not diligently trying to follow an object in the sky. He wasn’t even aware of the object until he looked at the photos later on.

It seems apparent that the orb wanted to end up in the picture and was being very diligent to make it so.  Ron also found another picture taken 1 minute later with the orb appearing right in front of Lindalee up close making it clear that the orb was indeed a small object right there in the circle with us as opposed to a larger object far away in the sky. 

I believe this is the verification that I was asking for from the sighting the month before. And it’s not the first time I’ve received messages of support like this from our extraterrestrial friends.

Check out the photos and video at the end of this blog post to see for yourself.

This experience of events taking place over a period of time or starting at one time and picking up again at another seems to happen quite often with the ETs.  It makes sense though, knowing that ETs’ ability to move around and communicate is not just bound to our limited space-time view of things. I could cite a number of examples of this in my recent experiences alone.

I know Dr. Greer had some of this “from time to time” communication happening to him early on. For instance, he saw an ET craft when he was a child. And then later he saw the same craft on the mountain in Boone, NC, during college, where he thought, “Oh look they’re back”. Then he had communications still later as an ER doctor where the ETs told him it was time to pick up that which he had dropped. I’m oversimplifying in his case but you get the idea.

But I…on the other hand…had no ET experiences as a child that I was aware of or through my whole life up to the point of being introduced to Dr. Greer’s work.  However, when I first studied Dr. Greer’s work and came to that moment when I was convinced that the ET presence was real (and the cover-up of it also) I had to go through a period of adjustment.  I recall spending a good week or so in a strange daze.  I don’t mean figuratively, I mean literally, as apparently my mind needed some time to process the magnitude and implications of it all. 

I had spent most of my life trying to be a spiritually oriented person, a “truth seeker” you might say.  And my activities centered around spiritual pursuits of whatever “brand” I was involved with.  But the one thing about this new knowledge of the presence of the ETs that struck me the most was the realization that the ETs that have been visiting us, turns out, are more spiritual than us here on planet earth.  In fact, a lot more spiritual and operating at a higher vibration of loving energy. Not religious but in a consciousness where spirituality and science are no longer separated.

It was toward the end of 2019 that this dawning event happened. As 2020  began I was feeling a peculiar urge to go through all my stuff.  I wanted to do a personal spring cleaning or a sort of inventory of my life, or so I was thinking. This went on for a week or two going through things and boxes in my house, clearing out and just taking stock.

Then one day when I felt like I was nearly done with this process and working through the last  buried boxes in the basement of my house I came upon a certain box containing keepsakes of my activities from back in the 7th grade…which, at the time, was 50 years ago! 

As I looked through the box I came to a drawing.  It was a pencil drawing of myself, which I dimly recall drawing by studying my face in a mirror laid flat on a table in front of me.  It struck me as having a sort of photographic feel to it even though it was a pencil drawing. I even remembered the collar of the shirt I was wearing in the drawing as my favorite golden-brownish suede long-sleeved shirt with the zip-up turtleneck. It was as if the mirror drawing was a doorway through time. And as such a visit and a message from myself from 50 years ago…a message… from time… to time. 

Then behind this drawing was a 4-page, handwritten paper written by me. It was entitled at the top, “WHAT WILL THE FUTURE WORLD BE LIKE AT ABOUT 2020”.  Needless to say, I was taken aback quite profoundly. 

In the paper I had put down some of my thoughts and predictions for what the future held for the next 50 years.  Some of my thinking was spot on and some was close.  But what really stuck out for me was the last paragraph which read as follows:

“Religion will change.  Religion as we think of it today will fade as it is already doing.  With breakthroughs and realizations in the field of psychic phenomena the “formal religion” and most of its secondary beliefs will end.  A new image of God will prevail.” 

What was going on with that young boy to pen these words?  I think he hardly had a clue honestly.

So, there I was in January of 2020 receiving a message from myself from 50 years ago nicely mirroring things that Dr. Greer had taught me recently.  

It looks like this whole sequence of events did begin in my childhood after all !   

Now, all religion hasn’t gone away and I don’t expect it will anytime soon.  But I do believe people around the world are now in the process of raising the level of their spirituality to a higher vibration. Then becoming less limited by the confines of religious structures and more universal in their understanding. And thus opening the way for a Level 1 civilization on earth and more open contact between us and our ET friends around the cosmos.

If I could leave you with an exhortation, it would be to look at your life as a whole.  What’s it about?  Whatever your experience has been in the past it’s time now, I believe, for each of us to pick up our part by elevating our consciousness to a higher plane and thus the consciousness of our planet as a whole. Learn what that means.  Learn how to do it.  And then practice. The ETs are waiting for us. Time is short. They can and will encourage us and help in some ways, but they can’t do it for us. 

God speed, my friend!!


Photo of the pastel blue orb.

Short video of orb in motion. Click on image to make it play if you don’t see any controls.

The orb shown as small and somewhere in our circle, possibly right in front of Lindalee.

The post From Time to Time appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

All Kinds of Things… https://ce5asheville.com/2022/09/06/kinds/ Tue, 06 Sep 2022 20:09:01 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=1876 …”All kinds of things can happen at our CE5 events.  At our pre-meetings , when I meet with all the new first-timers attending our CE5 event I’m often a little overwhelmed with the challenge […]

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…”All kinds of things can happen at our CE5 events.  At our pre-meetings , when I meet with all the new first-timers attending our CE5 event I’m often a little overwhelmed with the challenge of…” 

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All Kinds of Things

All kinds of things can happen at our CE5 events.  At our pre-meetings, when I meet with all the new first-timers attending our CE5 event I’m often a little overwhelmed with the challenge of giving people a picture of the diversity of things that can and do happen.  A lot of times events are fleetingly quick and if you’re not paying attention they might go right past you.  On the other end of the spectrum,  the completeness of some events  seem to take place over the course of days, weeks or even months! 

One thing we had this evening was one, maybe two, orb events.  With the one, Duane saw, quite clearly, this interesting orb close to a fence he had gone to for a little stretch.  Interesting visually, because he said it was white but it had a little red light in the middle.  That’s a new one for me.  But…all kinds of things…you know.  His happened real quick.  Later he said he tried to talk himself out of it but in the end he couldn’t because, you know, he saw it. 

I saw something flip by off to my left in the seating circle at one point.  It looked like a perfectly round, pastel blue orb.  For a while I wrote it off as someone flashing a light around.  But then later I began to think, “Who carries around a pastel blue light with them anyway.” I’ve never heard of such a thing frankly.  I’m still open to someone verifying or explaining that one for me.  Sometimes these things happen and it just doesn’t quite register right away.

Michael shared and said at one point he had this feeling in his chest of an “opening”.  And he described the feeling as a thrill sensation. Said that’s the best he could describe it.  And he said it “feels like something is here”. 

I found this quite interesting because earlier I was leading a meditation where we were practicing feeling elevated emotions and one of them I asked people to “try on” and feel was the emotion of feeling amazed… amazed at what was going on here, that we could meet and make contact with the ETs and have them be a part of our event.  Just an interesting thing that he would get an elevated emotion like that dropped into his chest.

It turns out Michael was at a CE5 event a couple years ago with Dr. Greer in which he had an extended interaction and healing event with the same ET that healed Ed of his long time hearing problem (as told in the documentary movie, Close Encounters of the 5th Kind.  If you’re unfamiliar with that, look it up.  You’ll want to see it.) 

On a break, Michael and Heidi were chatting inside the building and I was close by.  Heidi says she just heard a high pitched sound around her.  Then Michael said he heard it also.  I didn’t hear anything.  And in my experiences and reading about others’ experiences I had never heard of someone reporting a high pitched sound.  But just a couple weeks ago I finished a report about a large CE5 event in Arizona with Dr. Greer (500 people under the stars). The report was about a time period during the evening when a reverb could be heard in the audio indicating a sound reflective covering over top of the event. That time period was kicked off with Dr. Greer suddenly saying, “I just felt a pressure wave coming from over there and a high pitched sound.”  Hmm…another thing.

And here’s another.  When Susan went on our break she went back to the house to eat something.  At some point she had a strong feeling that an unseen ET had accompanied her.  And there was a helpful communication that took place also. She thanked it for being there.  And then thought, “why not?”. The event doesn’t stop when we take a break.  

She shared with us that besides the support and advice she got from the experience it showed her how far she has come.  Her first CE5 experience was wonderful and positive, but afterwords when she went home and was alone she found herself quite fearful because of all the garbage she had been fed from movies and whatnot that she had seen or heard in the past.  But now she was delighted to realize how far she’d come and gotten over those fears. 

More and more I’m realizing that there are always things going on at our CE5 events whether we see them or not.  If we knew everything going on all the time it would probably blow our minds.

Anyway…what can happen at these CE5 events? All kinds of things.


The post All Kinds of Things… appeared first on CE5 Asheville.

Brown Mountain Lights Meets CE5 https://ce5asheville.com/2022/08/21/brown/ Sun, 21 Aug 2022 16:38:43 +0000 https://ce5asheville.com/?p=1768 …”But the real interesting thing about it was to realize that the Brown Mountain Lights appear to be, possibly, one and the same as a certain type of morphing orb that has been appearing […]

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…”But the real interesting thing about it was to realize that the Brown Mountain Lights appear to be, possibly, one and the same as a certain type of morphing orb that has been appearing at local CE5 events in our region in the last few months….” 

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Brown Mountain Lights Meets CE5

At our August 6th CE5 we had 3 folks that had returned from an interesting CE5 experience a week or 2 before. They had gone to do CE5 at Wiseman’s Lookout in the Linville Gorge area, in North Carolina, one of the popular places to go if you want to chance the sight of the elusive Brown Mountain Lights.  We had a good time talking about that and looking at how it might connect with what we are doing here also. If you’re not familiar with The Brown Mountain Lights, and the lore and the multitude of theories that have been put forth about them, you can easily do a search on the web of reports and documentaries that have been put together.

It turns out these folks did get to see lights at Wiseman’s Lookout and got video as well.  After looking at their video and reviewing the video that can be found in the popular reports and documentaries, I have to say theirs is as good or much better than anything else I’ve seen.  But the real interesting thing about it was to realize that the Brown Mountain Lights appear to be, possibly, one and the same as a certain type of morphing orb that has been appearing at local CE5 events in our region in the last few months.

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to ask Dr. Greer, in a zoom call, what he thought about this, especially knowing that he grew up in North Carolina and even attended college at Appalachian State just down the road from the Brown Mountain area. What was said was quite interesting and you can watch/listen to it at the bottom of the page below.

Seeing as how I have a number of videos of these morphing orbs from different locations, during our conversation Dr. Greer expressed an interest in seeing a short collage of the videos I have, which I put together and you can see below as well. Then finally there is an added audio explanation of the videos referenced in the collage that you might find interesting as well.


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Added Comments About These Orb Video Clips

The post Brown Mountain Lights Meets CE5 appeared first on CE5 Asheville.
